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Velvet is offline
Old 07-13-2015, 11:21 PM

Vera's green eyes widened when the ancent lycan forcefully grabbed her once her. She knew she had to learn her place with him, but how could she? It was not in her blood to be a slave or to be commanded over. Swallowing another growl, the girl simply nodded after her master had roughly pushed her away. Damn him. Her face had twisted into one of an angry snarl, but no sound escaped her lips. She female lycan inhaled deeply once more, calming herself. "I'm sorry, Master." She managed to make her voice soft and small, like someone in servitude.

As her Master walked away towards the direction of what she could guess was a hunter's cabin, Vera shifted forms. The large black and white wolf followed the ancient lycan, her paws treading silently over the fallen leaves. What had made this monster this way? Though she hated the lycan in front of her, he was the reason she was able to get away from those other lycans that had chased once captured her. Was this going to be any better though? She was now a slave, but at least she wasn't in a cage.. Instead her Master was taking her on to slaughter some fools living too far out in wild territory. She could use a good meal, but she usually didn't feast upon human flesh.