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Velvet is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 04:28 AM

She had watched the ancient lycan transform and run off towards the coast. With a sigh, the female lycan also shifted forms. The black and white wolf began trotting towards the direction of ther master. She knew where he was headed, there was a coastal town in that direction. Vera growled lowly as she continued to head after Adaza. Would he spare anyone? In truth, Vera hated humankind, but she never slaughtered an entire town. Sure, she had been tracking hunter activities for months when she was captured by a lycan clan that thought she was a member of the pack they were at war with. She growled once more is distaste. Her searches kept coming up empty. Where was he? Would she ever find him?

The female lycan had found a few members of the hunting party that killed off her entire pack, but none knew where he was. One by one, she killed them neqrly all of them. Only a select few of those hunters remained and they were completely oblivious to her being alive. They all thought she was dead. They thought he had killed her. And so did he..

The female wolf shook her head and sped up after Adaza.