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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 06:34 PM

A darkness unlike anything began to dance around him. His piercing red eyes now glowed with such anger and hatred not even the devil himself could portray the same bone chilling glare. A matched growl emitted from the ancient lycan. His speed was near an instant flash. The back of his hand slammed into the white and black wolf with a bone shattering forcing. Lucky she wasn't a normal wolf or she would be dead. She would just be in a great amount of pain. Before his slave could fully hit the ground. Adaza kicked her in the ribs with the same force. "Knowledge of true pain? Is what you think you know slave." His voice was chilling calm, yet anger and hatred cut deeply with every word. The villagers just watched in horror as the male lycan spoke, chilling their souls with such fear.

"Let us have a real lesson in pain, shall we?" His question was more a statement than anything. "Perhaps little alpha, I should make you live a life as I did. Seeing how you're packless however, I guess can not kill your family in front of you." His words were bitter as he mocked her. "However I can make you feel what it's like to drown in your own vomit and blood. Let you know the burning sensation of your lungs filling, gasping for breath, praying that death soon will come. Yet never does." The lycan just sneered at her in a sinister manner. "Perhaps I shall throw you in a cage and force you fight for your life against other monsters. Leaving nothing but frighten little children for you to feast on. Force you to watch every life you saved tortured and slowly eaten over a course of time. Let you watch as women are soiled and left near death. You think you know pain, I can show you pain slave." The darkness around only grew with every word. The bone chilling glare never left her as he spoke. Oh, he would show her pain.