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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 03:24 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Today was a pretty lazy day. I slept in a bit and then did some stuff around the house: dishes, more laundry, a bit of cleaning, etc. then lazed around a while in the afternoon. I ordered some Chinese food with the roomie and watched an episode of The 100 then went out for a walk. It was getting on towards evening so it had cooled off a bit with the sun going down on the horizon which was nice given the heat we've had here lately. When I got back I popped some cinnamon rolls into the oven since I've been craving those recently and then played SWTOR for the rest of the night.

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OMG I was actually just thinking about the beach! I totally would have gone to the beach today if the trains at my station were actually running. I'm really hoping that they will be running next weekend and then I'll totally go. I really want to get there at least once before the summer is over...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

I didn't get to really sleep in today like I wanted to but oh well. I got some more stuff done this morning. Dishes and some computer stuff. Eventually I went to take a shower, had some leftover Chinese food for lunch, and then played a few hours of Shadow of the Colossus which I've been craving to play recently.

After that I went for an hour long jog. I was really impressed with myself to be honest! I was expecting to get tired out and give up after not long at all but I was really amazed with how much I was able to do, especially since I haven't been running in a long time! I didn't really get tired or have a hard time breathing, I just had some side stitches that wouldn't quit that made it a bit hard. I jogged to the park and then around the block there 10 times and back home where I walked around the block to cool down which ended up being a total of 5 miles. Wow! It really felt great (minus the joint pain caused by running on the pavement). I'll definitely have to go again soon!

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Meh, I don't really want to talk about my parents.