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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-10-2015, 01:23 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Today I woke up feeling pretty eh from going to bed so late last night. It took me a while but eventually I managed to perk up a bit. Work was just kinda eh. I went to the library on my lunch break and looked at some reference books. I came home after work and wanted to relax a bit but had to deal with an ant infestation instead. Oh joy.

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I looove books and reading! I used to read a crap ton when I was in high school like at least a book or two per week. In college I basically stopped reading though because I didn't have time for pleasure reading with all of the coursework reading I had to do. A few years bak though I got back into it and now I'm a crazy reader once more. XP This past week or two I haven't read quite so much though since I've been on a bit of a gaming kick.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Still haven't been sleeping well... I need to relax more or something. At least it's Friday and I have the weekend to recover a bit. The day went by okay until my coworker ended up taking a two hour lunch break without warning me. That was a little bit annoying... At least when I finally did go out for my lunch break the day went by pretty quickly after that. My new sneakers came too! Yay! I came home and made a ham and cheese omelet for dinner with some toast and juice. It was pretty yummy. I talked with a friend on Skype for a while and then played some SWTOR and was finally able to get off of that one planet I've been stuck on forever...

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To be honest I have a pretty photographic memory of the last place I used something and I tend to always put my things back in their "rightful spot" when I'm done with them so I don't often lose things. Well besides my phone which I tend to set down places and then forget where I left it. the closet. >.>

Saturday, August 8, 2015

I was hoping I'd be able to sleep in today but no bueno. My room mate left pretty early to go visit her family on Long Island so I had the place to myself. The contractor came in to finally start working on the ceiling and I tried to get some stuff done myself, grocery shopping, cleaning, and the like. I had a pretty delicious ham and swiss grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and I called my mom for a and talked to her for a while. I wanted to go out for a jog after that but my legs and back were really hurting me so I decided against it. Later on I made some pizza for dinner and played some more SWTOR.

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Traveling is fun.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Today was a pretty good day. I still didn't get to sleep in but oh well. I got up and got some stuff done and then relaxed most of the day. I played some pokemon and painted my nails. I made another one of those delicious ham and swiss grilled cheese sandwiches and the contractor came to finish with the ceiling. Later on I took a short nap and then finally went for a jog. I came back, made dinner, and basically played pokemon till bedtime. Overall not a bad day ^_^

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I looove s'mores! I've always wanted to try one with a Reese's Cup but just never got around to it...