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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 02:59 PM

Um, oops! I got super behind on this. There's no way I'm going to remember everything I missed so I'll have skip a bit. ^^;

---------- Post added 08-20-2015 at 11:35 AM ----------

Monday, August 10, 2015

I honestly haven’t been sleeping well lately. I’ve been feeling pretty stressed out so that’s probably part of the reason. Usually I sleep on my side. I tend to flip over a few times in the night though so I don’t necessarily have a preferred side. I like to sleep with two medium to flatish pillows and I love to cuddle up with blankets and stuffed animals! Usually I try to go to bed between 10:30 and midnight at the latest and wake up around 8:30 on the weekends and 7:30 on weekdays.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I’ve actually had a few dreams about my mene friends. Not too many but I have had one or two of Cora and Car’a’carn. I can’t really remember them anymore but they were pretty basic and kind of silly for the most part.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hm, I’m not really sure what this topic is meant to be about. I do really like things to be centered though so finding the center of something is always a bit of a pain for me. I like how on Photoshop you can set things to snap to the center. Otherwise I spend time measuring with a ruler, string, paper, etc. to try to find the center of things. I dunno why it bugs me really, I just like things to be symmetrical. [xd]

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I find it quite a challenge to keep produce fresh in my apartment. My room mate and I don’t really share food or eat the same things so it’s almost impossible for me to eat up fresh stuff before they go bad. I tend to get a lot of frozen veggies for that reason. Whenever I buy fruit I try to take some of it to work to share with my coworkers to minimize the waste there as well but it’s still an ongoing battle against spoilage especially since I have a really nice produce market right next to my apartment.

Friday, August 14, 2015

I don’t have any recipes that I’ve tried recently but I do have some that I want to try! I’ve heard orange juice marinade for ham steak is yummy and I’ve been meaning to try that. I’ve also been meaning to try making some chai tea madelaines because that sounds pretty amazing! I just really haven’t had the time to experiment much food wise recently because I’ve been so busy.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Today I didn’t feel well all day. I just felt super nauseous and icky the whole day. My room mate had some friends over and we played a few board games. I eventually went to lay down for a bit. I didn’t really sleep much but it was good to just close my eyes for a bit. I wasn’t really hungry so I just kind of moped around for a while and eventually got on to play some SWTOR. I made some soup for dinner and it actually made me feel quite a bit better after I ate it. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow…

• • •

Recently my room mate sent me some pictures of cats sitting on slices of pizza. That’s totally crazy! I don’t get what would possess a cat to sit on something sticky like that. And why wouldn’t they just eat it?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Today I actually felt quite a bit better! I decided to spend most of the day relaxing though. I recently picked up a t-shirt and some fabric markers because I had plans to make a shirt for a friend so I finally got around to doing that! It took me pretty much all day to finish it but I really enjoyed it! It was the first time I had really done something artsy in a while. I can’t wait to see if they like it!

• • •

I’ve recently been on a pokemon kick. I decided to go back to my old games and try to do a complete pokedex. It’s sort of taken over a lot of my free time recently.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Today I didn’t feel well again. Work was stressful and the day went really slow. I had planned on trying to do stuff when I got home in the evening but ended up just completely slacking off again. I guess I just needed some more time to rest.

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To be honest I really like the way certain business models work. Sephora for example has a really great model which allows you to purchase pretty much anything risk free. It’s amazing! Birchbox is also pretty awesome! You get a sample box every month and then write reviews to earn rewards points you can spend on full sized products. I ended up cancelling my subscription because I had so many samples I couldn’t finish everything but it was fun while I was receiving them! I loved always having something to look forward to in the mail.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Another stressful day at work. I just have so many projects going at the moment that I can’t keep up. I also haven’t been relaxing much outside of work either so that isn’t helping. I sort of freaked out after my two days of relaxation when I realized how much I have to do that is building up. I think I need to work on my schedule a bit to see if I can’t make things a bit more manageable…

• • •

There are a few poems I really enjoy but for the most part I’m not really the type to sit down and read through and enjoy poetry.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Yet another busy stressful day. On my lunch break I went to Sephora to try to find a new moisturizer. My face has been breaking out like crazy with all the stress I’m under and I wanted to try to find something to soothe and moisturize my skin. Later in the afternoon I had a meeting and the rest of the day was just mega crazy till the end. After work I headed out grocery shopping but that was a bit of a joke. There was pretty much nothing in the store so I didn’t end up getting half of what I needed.

• • •

I have a love/hate relationship with technology. The things we can do today with technology is just amazing but we’ve become so dependent on it that when things don’t work everything goes to hell.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-20-2015 at 03:37 PM..