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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 08-23-2015, 09:40 AM

Thorn looked at Candy confused as he tried to understand why she looked hurt. He then hung his head realizing what had happen. He was going to speak but waiting for Tony to speak. Once they where alone Thorn gently reached out and took Candy's hand as he pulled her to him. He pulled her down to his lap being very protective with her as he did so making sure she wouldn't injury herself. He wrapped his right arm around her as he held her once she landed bridle style in his lap. He gently took his left hand holding her as he gently kissed her hand before speaking. " Candy you did nothing wrong. I always feel better around you. I thought you would know by now how much I care for you. I have never fought for any girl before in my life. You are the one person that I would fight for always. I said those things to pick at you in play. I was not meaning them to hurt you. I thought you knew by now I would never hurt you knowingly and I will always do my best to protect you. " He said as he hung his head the sadness showing for the first time as he sat there with her.

He finally looked up at her as he allowed her to see how upset he truly was. "Daphne "Candy" Thompson you have never done anything wrong. In my eyes you are perfect the way you are. I knew the moment I met you that you where special. You are the only person that makes me want to be better than I am. I couldn't image a day without you. That is why I asked you to be MY CANDY. I have no intention of ever sharing you. Maybe my intentions where not clear. I promise to protect you, to love you as you are, to keep you happy, and to always be by your side. I understand you may not love me like our parents love one another. But I will always protect you and in my eyes you will always be beautiful and perfect. Please don't ever feel you have upset me. The truth is I doubt you could. I am more upset with myself for hurting you and making you feel you did something wrong. " Thorn admitted as he gazed into her eyes allowing her to see his true feelings for her.

"Thomas has always had issues with me. I have never really stud up to him till today. I stud up to him because he doesn't love you. He said things that he wanted to do to you that enraged me. I want you treated like the jewel you are. I wont allow any man to just have you. You are to be treated with care and love not like someones property. I guess I want someone to treat you like I do if not better. Thomas knows because of my parents that when your out I follow you to ensure your safe. At night I take guard outside your house. Tony knows he has seen me a few times. I can't explain my feelings for you but I want you to know now harm will come to you as long as I'm around. And Candy you will always be my Candy. Because there is no room in my heart for any other." He said softly to her as he kissed her forehead gently and wrapped his other arm around her letting her hand go. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he sat there content with just holding her. "Candy I love you even if you can't love me back. I know because your the only person I can't live without. My father has spoken to me on this subject. He told me that if you can't image your life without that person that is truly the one you love. There are different types of love but for now I am just happy getting to hold you. I don't expect you to say you love me back. I am far more mature than you due to my race. I understand that you may not even know your own feelings. I just want you to know my feelings will not change for you." He said softly as he smiled still content with just holding her.

Lilly didn't have time to react to what had happen as she found herself being drug along. She was still trying to compute everything that had happen as she found herself alone with Ping in his room. She kept quiet for a while trying to figure out what to say or do. Finally she smiled back at him and spoke. " You have nothing to apologize for. I am just sorry you must live like this. I knew that your parents where tough on you. I knew they didn't like your "adventures." Even with half of them where for me. If I had known I would have never asked you to be my friend nor encourage you to spend time with me. I was selfish it appears and didn't understand what misfortune I was putting you through. Don't say that it was your choice. I know that most of your choice was because of my title. I guess that is the one thing the people of the palace don't think about. I am not sorry for meeting you. You have open my eyes and made me a better person you still are. I will try and be a better friend to you so maybe you wont have to suffer so much on my behalf. I will stop the schooling at the palace and come to you instead. I will also do a better job of thinking of others. If I had it my way you would live in the palace with me as the royal blacksmith. But that wouldn't be fair to you. I would be no better than my father if I did that. Thank you for teaching me even though it appears it has coast you more than even I knew." Lilly said as she looked down at his bed in silence. "I thought coming here would make it easier on you. I didn't realize it was only going to make it worse. If you want I can go home. You know that the forgotten city is still yours to use. I feel that I owe you more than I can repay you. I can give you whatever money you need to...." Lilly went silent as she sat there. She could give him whatever money he wanted and he could leave but she wasn't sure if that was really the answer. She wasn't even sure after this if he wanted to be near her. She had been selfish over the years and had wanted him for herself. She had been the one who wanted to spend time with him and begged him. She had no right to ask anything else from him. She honestly feared that he would leave and may not come back. If he left for Aphirea she would never see him again. Though maybe if would be better for him she thought in silence. She really wanted to scold herself for how selfish she had been all these years. She loved him but all she apparently did was hurt him.If he chose to leave she would help him any way she could. He had done so much for her, and besides Dragon had said if you love some one you let them free no matter how pain full it was.

As she sat there she thought more on the talks her and Dragon had. He might have been her teacher but he was more of a brother and father to her. All this time she just thought he was giving her old quotes when he was really telling her about her relationship with Ping. She wondered if he knew more about their relationship than she did. Maybe once she got back she should talk to him depending on what happen here.