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Linnea is offline
Old 08-24-2015, 11:44 PM


In this category you need to make an avatar of a powerful healer!

There are some requirements to make your entry acceptable:

*You must include a BAG or BASKET (preferably handheld)
*Your avatar must include WHITE
*3-5 sentences on what kind of healing magic you perform with your bag/basket

Entry Form:

Let me HEAL you!
Image of My Entry:
3-5 Sentences:

[size=4][color=indigo][b]Let me HEAL you![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[B]3-5 Sentences:[/B]

First Place: Cloak of Healing CI AND Staff of Healing CI

Second Place: Cloak of Healing CI OR Staff of Healing CI

Third Place: Which ever CI 2nd place doesn't choose


3-5 Sentences: Elaria is always ready to help the injured with her trusty basket. Inside she carries a variety of poultices, herbs, and bandages. She even brings along treats to brighten up ones day - as long as they don't fuss too much when getting treated. For those that are squeamish around the sight of blood, she simply puts her magical basket atop their head, bops it, and they are instantly calmed!
3-5 Sentences: She keeps all kinds of herbs (and a little bit of light magic) in her bag always. She can then sprinkle it over a wound to heal it up. The bag always gives her the needed herb/magic.
3-5 Sentences: From her basket my healer can pull fourth herbs and vials of potions to heal ills, bandages and splints to support broken bones. she's not hte flashiest of healers, but she gets the job done. She also Grows all of her own herbs, so that any injured or sick individual gets the highest level of care. not to mention a nice and cool place to lay the ill down.
3-5 Sentences: I wanted to take a more practical than magical approach to healing, giving my healer a sturdy bag and a mask to help combat any airborne illnesses. While I was working on it I felt drawn to a kind of nurse's uniform as well, which worked with the white. The foggy city background and steampunk-y aspects just looked cool.
My character heals through the use of the world around him combined with different jujus he carries around in his basket. Using these jujus, he can summon the elements to aid him. In this case, he is using a water juju to summon a water elemental to use cleansing waves to heal his party members.
3-5 Sentences: Here's the healer of the angel bunnies! She utilizes her special bunny bag full of elixir carrots to heal all kinds of wounds and sicknesses. All you have to do is eat a carrot and you'll be all better! Hopefully, you like carrots.
My healer has crystal dust in her glittery bag which she sprinkles around those who need healing or cleansing of their aura's to boost the flow and effect of the healing light which fills her when she calls to the source Energy! Little critters and innocent animals are naturally drawn to her due to the constant soothing light her own aura emits.
Emma Corrin
3-5 Sentences: Living in Paradise Falls, this little healer dedicates her life to the healing of nature and nature's creatures. Through the natural herbs and flowers around her, she uses her apothecary skills to create organic remedies to treat the wounds of all creatures, as well as formulas to enrich the soil around the many trees and plant-life that grow in Paradise Falls. Due to Paradise Falls being in the southern most part of South America, the little healer doesn't get many travelers. However, when she does they are generally merchants who have sought her out for her famous remedies so that they may purchase in bulk and distribute across the land. Cough, rheumatism, even that rash you get from eating those tomatoes you love so much! This little healer can cure it all!
3-5 Sentences:She carries healing eggs in her basket, rich in protein, choline and no sugar. Her magic eggs help you grow, give you muscle, improve your brain and make you feel great. Plus they can cure any illness (their magic eggs, after all) and improve your mood - she gives them out whenever she sees someone that is sick or injured. People say they they also make a great omelette or egg sandwich.
3-5 Sentences:The proud Pixie people are known for many magical gifts. One of them is healing. They imbue petals of flowers with properties that can either be made into powerful elixir or put directly on the skin. They've been known to care for creatures great and small, and in the rare case humans. :)
3-5 Sentences: Most healers focus upon the physical side of a persons pain. This healer focuses on the more... spiritual side you could say. Inside my bag I carry whatever your heart desires to heal its pain. Not what you think you need, but what you actually need. Be it simple tissue, or magical dust that can heal your heart and let you move on from a lost loved one. What ever is bothering a heart at a moment of time, can be healed with the endless magic that lies within my small purse.
Rochiel Silverfire
3-5 Sentences:This sweet mermaid would much rather help wayward sailors than lure them to their doom! Her basket is imbued with a magic to keep fruit fresh and so she is able to collect citrus from the tropical islands she visits and distribute them to ships. The vitamin-c packed fruit helps prevent scurvy and its time in contact with her magic enables it to cure scurvy that has already been contracted.
3-5 Sentences: Put simply, this healer uses these flower petals to heal her wounded party members. Different flowers accomplish different things, the white ones are for hit points, which she seems to be needing more often, but she also caries others in her basket including blue for removing paralysis, purple for poison, pink for confusion and yellow for silence and green for blindness. She recently restocked on white and is currently praying over them to bless them with the healing powers needed for the up coming boss battle.
3-5 Sentences: Gizzie comes from a long line of healers. My mother is a free spirit hippie, my father a distant relative of the great video games own Dr. Mario. I know the healing powers of the herbs, woods, peace, love, and mother nature. I also know the healing powers of A B A B UP DOWN START, free life, skip a level, and continue. With my massive diversity of knowledge I am able to heal all no matter what or who may need it. I carry with me magic flower petal, potions, and a magic flute, with this strong combination of items plus the song of the Oracle Gizzie shall help the world. ^.^
3-5 Sentences: It is said that Island Priestess, Seda, not uses her knowledge of juju, voodoo and island magics to do many things. Among them is to ‘heal’ both the living and spirits. To help the living she not only uses her powers, but she also uses a variety of herbs, salves and potions, that she keeps on hand in her basket made from a gourd, to heal their wounds and cure illness. Unlike the living, those who have lost their physical form are harder to help. To heal a spirit Seda must first guide them so they can find their way within the spirit realm before using her magics and potions, if needed.
3-5 Sentences: Did someone call for a doctor? I can heal your aches and pains, make you forget why you even hurt to begin with! So lets see where does this go, do I insert this or do you swallow? Do you normally bleed this much...Oh...your head hurts even more now? Oops...
3-5 Sentences: In the temple of the cat goddess of moonlight, Selenia prays for divine strength in the upcoming battles she will face. Her bag contains all the magical components she will need to become an instrument for her goddess' divine power. It is also a great place to store shiny treasures. What feline can resist shiny trinkets?
3-5 Sentences:A healer needs to be prepared for anything. This healers current preparations include heavy duty clothing, a protective mask, and her bag of healing equipment. The mask and cloths protects her from the smoke, ash, and heat of the fires still happily burning nearby, despite ongoing efforts to get them under control. Her bag includes potions, herbs, and salves for healing various fire related injuries, such as burns and smoke inhalation.

Last edited by Linnea; 09-15-2015 at 12:22 AM..