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shatteredarchivist is offline
Old 08-27-2015, 07:45 PM

"Oh, just tie her off somewhere. These posts look too modern to be part of the original structure. Some amateurs probably tried to raid the catacombs already. They didn't have a decent enough rogue with them, I noticed." Tsillu's mouth quirked up softly at the back of his beak. He stepped in and continued to run his mouth. "I have a camp set up not far in. It's only a few hours until sunset. I do not tend to travel in the day. It's odd, I know, for a tengu, but I have this, ah, affinity for the night hours. Plus, it seems that you would not be inclined to disagree, as it gets much colder out there at night. Your... kin are from the north, yes? From the mountains? I do apologize on behalf of your boss. That must have been quite a journey. Three months or so? Ah well..."

Tsillu shook out his feathers, fluffing himself up under his light cotton clothes, and stepped into an antechamber that branched off the main hall. "Please, come in, sit. Do your people do tea?" He asked, flicking on a small, modern brazier with a grate laid across it. His camp was minimal. A bedroll was laid on one side of the room, lined with pillows that had been sewn into the edges, giving the whole thing a very nestlike appearance. Against the wall, behind the bed were stacks of supplies and crates, each marked with a stamped black feather letters "T-A". In the center was the brazier, just flickering into life as Tsillu prepared himself a pot of tea.

On the other side, maps and charts of all kinds and sizes had been pinned to a cloth and wood structure that looked like one wall of a tent had been repurposed. Each one detailed the one section of Thrun'valak. Notes had been scribbled on the maps in a nigh indecipherable mix of shorthand and tengu. They were marked with long black lines of graphite and charcoal. Each line linked with another on a different map in a long, fluid motion. Some had been rotated to odd angles and pinned by their corners. Tsillu had gone as far as to get a few meters of red ribbon and link several locations. Each of the red ribbons intersected at an otherwise nondescript point in the middle of the vast desert that made up the majority of Thrun'valak.

This tomb.