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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 08-28-2015, 03:00 AM

Thorn spent the evening with Candy enjoying her reading. Before he knew it he had fell asleep there holding Candy as she read. He slept peaceful being able to hold Candy. Even subconsciously just knowing she was safe and in his arms made him sleep soundly. He dreamed of the day he first met Candy and their adventures together. He cherished his memories and times with Candy. Thorn slept for a while before waking and looking to Candy. "I'm sorry for falling asleep. You are not boring company. You just relax me." He said softly hoping that she didn't take offense to his sleeping. "It's getting late maybe I should tuck you in bed and Lady as well beside you in her bed." He said softly knowing that Candy needed her rest and he himself needed to get home eventually. He wished that his time with Candy wouldn't come to a end. "If you like I'll stay here till morning. The raids end at morning that way you can sleep soundly."He said softly to her as he smiled at her.

Lilly froze as she heard what Ping had to say. She felt her heart shatter into pieces as she sat on the bed. She sat there in silence and let Ping go about his business. She gently stood and removed the clip from her hair placing it on the bed, as she showed herself out of his room. Lilly moved with ease soundlessly through the house as she let herself out. She kept her emotions to herself as she made her way back to the palace. At this point Lilly didn't care if she was abducted or even killed. Lilly walked to her room her beautiful prison. She took her place at her window seat as she peered up at the moon. Her teachers where wrong about many things. Maybe her father was right in some of his beliefs.

Lilly sat at her seat for hours trying to understand why she felt as if someone had shot her with a arrow through and through. Maybe it was just the fact that Ping wasn't the person she was meant to love. She didn't want to be a second string or a after thought for anyone. If he left she would just be a after thought to him. He wanted to leave then she wouldn't stop him. She didn't blame him. Maybe she was wrong in confessing her feelings for him. Maybe she was wrong on many things she had been so confident in. Lilly pulled the golden rose from her hair where she had braided it in with her hair. She stared at it as tears fell from her face freely now. She gently got up and placed the rose along with the other items in her jewelry box. Lilly looked down at her bracelet as she reached to remove it. However as much as she wonted to she couldn't. She just smiled as she stared at it remembering their time in the forgotten city when he made their friendship bracelets.

Lilly sat on her bed as she stared at her bracelet. She cried and smiled all at the same time finding the emotional mixture very confusing. She wanted to be done with Ping and for her heart to stop hurting however her heart wouldn't let her forget about him. He was her best friend and even if he did leave she would never forget about him. Lilly felt so confused as she sat there. Maybe she was the only elf who didn't understand love. She was sure that human children her own age understood it better than she did at this point. Maybe just being friends was more important. She had made a promise to be his friend always and to never find him boring. She just didn't think that would mean even if it hurt her to be near him. Ping would find another girl there that he wold fancy and she would be left in the dark. That was the fear that made her sad. It wasn't a fear it was logical to assume so. It would mean that one day he would come back here and her father would be twice as mean to him for leaving and moving to Alphira. Lilly just sat on her bed as she tried to short everything out. At times likes this she wished she had the option to run away. However where would she run to? She was a princess and that meant putting her people first even above herself and her own wishes. That was the one lessen she had learned well from her father. Even if she loved Ping there was a good chance she could never be with him. Maybe it was for the best to forget about him and let him leave in peace.