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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 08-28-2015, 04:41 AM

Thorn followed Candy he spent the night with her there. The next morning he woke early leaving Candy a paper rose he made for her on her night stand along with a note. He had to head into training and to face his own family. He was slow at the moment and left early enough to give himself enough time to make it to the training grounds in time. He was surprised when he got there his father was already waiting there. He had prepared himself for the worst instead his father just hugged him. He grunted as his father noticed Thorn was trying to protect his left shoulder. Before Thorn knew it he had Elvin doctors around him stripping him of his shirt and inspecting his wound. The doctors where impressed the wound was mostly healed. They used some of their remedies and finished the healing making him as well as new. The doctors wanted to know know who had dressed his wound so well. He was more than happy to tell them Candy. The doctors smiled as they seemed to take a liking to her and even spoke of starting to train her early as replacement for one of them.

Thorn dressed once they where done and listen to his father. He was surprised that his father already knew what happen even down to what Thoma had said. Thorn just smiled once his father was done. He had forgotten who his father was. His father was fair and just and had eyes and ears everywhere. Thorn was surprised when his father excused him from training this morning and told him to take the day off from school and spend his day resting. Thorn was about to leave when his father called his name and pulled out a packet from his pocket handing it to him. "Give it to Candy's parents for being so kind and looking after you. Before you go back to Candy go home and let your mother know your alive." His father told him.

Thorn went home and spent most of the morning with his mother. His mother had been worried when she got the news. Apparently it hadn't went unnoticed that Thomas had thrown a knife and attempted to kill him. Thomas had been stripped of his rank and would no longer be allowed to train as a member of the army. He was also no longer welcome to Thorns house or to any functions at witch Thorn would attend. Thorn was surprised when his mother smiled at him instead of scolding him for keeping a eye on the time. He did so normally so he wouldn't be late to meeting Candy. His mother brought out a basket filled with her different sweets and baked goods. "Share with Candy and go don't keep her waiting." His mother said softly kissing his check before seeing him off. Thorn was surprised with how his parents where acting. They weren't normally this understanding. They where understanding but not to this extent.

Thorn hurried to Candy's house with everything his parents had given him. He tried to time it so they would have time to eat some of the baked good before heading off to school. He wanted to thank Candy and tell her about the doctors and about what he had heard them say.

Lilly woke about mid day to find herself alone again in her room. She had fallen asleep at some point during the night. She slowly made her way to the classroom Dragon and her father had made for the students to use when they came to the palace. She waited and felt sick at her stomach as everyone appeared but Ping. She looked around for him and took her seat. She could tell that something was wrong everyone seemed to want to say something but looked to afraid to say anything at least the other kids did. Lilly only felt worse once the lessen ended and there was no sight of Ping. She finally approached his teacher and asked him outright where Ping was. The teacher looked surprised and asked her didn't she know he had vanished during the night his parents where looking for him.

The news ripped a new hole in her heart as she tried not to cry in front of the others. She thanked him and went to her other duties. Today was the first day her father was impressed with her. She didn't fight him and did whatever he said with no hesitation. She had no will to fight the one thing she had loved was gone. She felt a hole in her heart that she wasn't sure if time would fix. Some of the guards had did her a favor and tracked Ping to the edge of the border he really had left like he said he was going to. She wasn't sure if she should cry or be happy for him.