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Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~<3
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Evergreen Goddess is offline
Old 08-29-2015, 02:59 AM

Ping's eyes widened, was he in trouble already? He had just got here and he only wanted to go to the school. What was so wrong with that? "I...I understand..." he said quietly and frowned. The council, sounded very serious. Were they going to search his things? If they did, would they be upset to find gems in his suitcase? Oh no, I hope they don't accuse me of stealing! he thought to himself, panicking. He snapped out of his thoughts though when Pharom introduced the very lovely girl as his Candy. "Candy, very lovely name for a lovely girl. So you're going to be a nurse?" he asked and smiled, "That sounds like it's hard work, but I'm sure you're doing just fine right?" he asked. Lagordir looked back at Pharom and nodded, "P-Please? I have been trying to find the school. I saw people walking this way and thought perhaps it lead to the school. I'll go with you to the council after school, I promise." he assured and bowed his head quickly. When Pharom picked up his bag, Lagordir panicked slightly. "Oh...p-please be careful that nothing breaks." he said as he quickly followed after them.

Daphne smiled and waved, "Hello Lagordir, it is nice to meet you." she said and chuckled at his compliment. "Thank-you! It is hard, but I'm doing the best I can to stay on top of everything. Are you studying for anything?" she asked curiously as they started walking towards the school. Ping nodded, "I'm hoping to become a blacksmith. I have made a few things but nothing too impressive I suppose. I'm still practicing with all sorts of combinations." he replied easily. "A blacksmith? That sounds like a very demanding job Lagordir. It sounds like a lot of fun too though, I'm sure you'll grow up to be a very well known blacksmith. Just never give up." Daphne said softly.

Two years had passed and Lagordir had become good friends with both Candy and Pharom. Candy and Thorn had even helped him find a new permanent home where his foster parents never laid a hand on him unlike his real parents, it was a really nice change and he was forever thankful and grateful. He was currently chuckling as he lightly poked Pharom's head with his finger, "You're very protective of Candy aren't you? I don't blame you, she's very pretty and you obviously care a lot about her. You don't have to worry about me stealing her from you though, I already have a girl in my heart." he explained and frowned. "What's with the frown Lagordir?" Daphne asked, noticing the frown on his face as she held Thorn's hand. "I just get sad thinking about her is all. You see, the girl in my heart...her name is Lilly and she's the princess of Evana...b-but before I ran away from home we were talking and I had told her that I wanted to leave but wouldn't because she was the reason I stayed. I put up with my parents all for her, so that I could spend time with her everyday. However at the last moment I let it slip by saying that I was going to leave anyway...and then she left and left behind the brooch I made for her. I would have thrown it away but I want to give it back to her if I ever see her again. I don't even think she wants to see me anymore, she probably hates me for leaving when I said I wouldn't." he explained and sighed softly. He felt terrible for the way things turned out, but he hoped he could make it up to her somehow.

"Lagordir, if you really care about her you need to prove it to her. She is probably waiting for you every day in hopes that you return. You should at least fight for her heart if she doesn't like you anymore, try to win her back. You shouldn't feel bad for what happened, it was a simple mistake and it could have happened to anyone." Daphne explained seriously.