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MintyRey is offline
Old 08-30-2015, 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl View Post
I love fairy tales myself. There are some very nice novelizations of them, too, like East, Ella Enchanted, Phoenix and Ashes, Mira Mirror, and the Swan Kingdom.
Yes! I also appreciate different versions of the stories. A friend of mine suggests I try reading the Once Upon A Time series by Simon Pulse.

Originally Posted by Iltu View Post
Do you still read comics? I'm just getting into them myself! I read a lot of manga in high school, and have always kept up with quite a few webcomics, but I've recently been making the foray into printed Western comics. I love most of what I've read so far!
I still do but I haven't been able to buy new issues in years so I just read what I can at the library when I have time. All those retcons though can get confusing I read manga and we comics too. Have you read the webcomic Prague Race? The art is wonderful and the characters are hilarious