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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-01-2015, 11:45 PM

(I am so sorry this ended up being so long! I tried to shorten it up a little and I cut it off a little prematurely to make it a little shorter..)

"Ooh la la, Adam..." One woman approached Adam from behind and gave him a hug, to which, Adam flinched and groaned softly. He hated touching people, especially humans. "You play so beautifully. Ohh, I wish I could hear you play for me all the time. It's too bad this bar closes so early."

"Too bad, indeed."Adam groaned, still, he knew should he get fed today he needed to put on his, 'I'm at least semi-engaged in this conversation' face and be pleasant enough to escort this woman... "home". "I have a wide array of instruments at my home, perhaps you'd be interested if-" But Adam was caught off guard as the owner of the pub approached Adam with an angry face.

"Adam, I need to speak with you alone for a moment."

Now, Adam was starving by now and he'd had his hopes set on drinking a beautiful woman, but should his boss take too long, he'd simply make a meal of him and leave the job without saying anything. He'd certainly miss playing the piano here and getting quick, easy meals, but when he was hungry his common sense and his slickness usually left him.

He followed the rather thick, older gentleman into one of the back rooms. His boss didn't look pleased and Adam couldn't figure out the reason for this. Still, when the older man closed the door, Adam sat down at the table across from him and listened for all of three minutes to what the man had to say,

"Adam, I'm a big fan of your music... However, lately people have been coming here at nights to dance... not to drink or eat. I made less this month than I have last month or the month before and... well, I can't afford to pay you anymore. I think, perhaps, your talents would be better suited in a daytime cafe."

Now, Adam couldn't think clearly. The man said something about a cafe and daytime, two things which Adam honestly couldn't do. He'd burn in the daylight and cafes were just not his style. Adam stood up from where he was sitting and began to approach the elderly man with his eyes wide. The owner didn't seem to notice anything,

"I've also had the police snooping around here lately, Adam, do you know what that could be..." He trailed off as Adam came closer with his fangs clearly showing. Adam was very pleased to find out that his boss was not a screamer and that even though he didn't have the sweet, tangy blood of a young female, he was still pretty satisfying.

When Adam was finished, he opened the door and checked to see if everyone had left the establishment. He was glad to see that they had. He grabbed a plastic trash bag and wiggled the owner's body into it. All the while, thinking, finally, about how stupid it was to drink the owner of the bar. This man had family who'd certainly look for him after a few weeks... Oh well. Not much he could do about it now.

After the body was shoved into the bag, Adam picked it up in his arms and left through the back door which led into the alleyway. There, Adam picked up that smell once again... That smell of her. Adam dropped the body and nearly panicked for a moment, thinking maybe she'd come back from the dead, or thinking that her spirit had found him. Instead, he came to realize that he was, in fact, alone and that the smell was simply lingering. Maybe it was all in his head. He made his way towards the trashcans to dispose of the body, but he was greeted by the site of another body laying there behind the trash.

Now, this was curious. Adam threw away the body of the owner and then curiously decided to examine the body he'd found behind the trash... The body honestly reeked of that smell and he had to get a closer look. His fingers immediately touched the man's head and he tilted it to expose the neck. Just as he had expected, there was the telltale signs of vampire stuck in the man's neck and Adam's imagination ran wild. Maybe she really was alive and she'd come back for him!

Adam's heart pounded in his chest and he found himself stunned into silence. He'd began to give up hope that he'd ever see her again, after all, he knew he'd live quite a long time being a vampire. He made his way back into the quiet streets and towards his home, which was a rather small apartment across the street of a condemned building.

Adam was rather glad to know that maybe all the funeral music he'd written hadn't been in vain.