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Alorrena is offline
Old 10-04-2015, 05:56 AM

((My heart just broke. I had what i wanted written and the website didn't like my inactivity between writing half of it... it got lost.))

Skye smiled softly, "Well, i'm getting these vibes from you and usually i'm pretty good at understanding various vibes." He shrugged and continued, "That and arashi mentioned that you're being super careful with the dishes and food. So, i kinda used that information to decipher the vibes you're giving off." He made a face and tilted his head slightly. "I'm saying Vibes a lot... I'm Sorry, I'm not trying to be weird..." He sort of trailed off, hoping she didn't really notice how awkward he was being. He wasn't used to being able to try to relax and be friendly. He had come into the kitchen to try and befriend Tanya, But so far he felt he was just being awkward.

From the dining room, The sounds of an argument was starting to wisp their way to the kitchen. Skye didn't pay them any attention because he knew his men wouldn't physically fight because they respected Skye and his rules, But arguing was fair game.