Thread: Soul Notes.
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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-05-2015, 08:34 PM

Sleep was hard to come by when you know that you need to wake up just before the sun goes down to pack your things and get out of town. Adam tossed and turned all day, never finding a comfortable spot in bed. The sun was out and yet, he was still so wide awake. Finally, Adam slid out of bed, having been too anxious and vigilant to rest anyway, he decided to start packing his things. He'd have to leave behind all of his beloved instruments again.

His instruments were almost like children to him, and it pained Adam to have to leave them behind every time he did something stupid. He thought about donating them, or simply destroying them completely. Neither of those options were good, as he had no time to find a place that would accept donated instruments, and he neither had the capabilities of destroying the instruments in this apartment complex.

When the sun finally hid it's face and retreated beneath the dark horizon, Adam left. He felt rather saddened and lonely, but such is life. With him he had only one instrument small enough to carry with him and that was a small, lonely violin. It was actually one of the few instruments that he'd managed to keep while traveling from place to place. As he kept to the shadows mostly, he avoided contact and avoided being in plain sight of any human wandering the streets at night... anyone who'd be wandering the streets at this hour were only nosy police officers and detectives. Adam didn't need to be bothered with the likes of them.

As Adam approached the waters to the channel, Adam thought about crossing over to Dover, maybe laying low there for a few years until the murder was forgotten... But he loved France, and he'd already lived everywhere in the United Kingdom. There was no place else to go. He approached the channel a little more closely and there, he smelled that same, familiar smell once more. It drove him mad because he couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from. Was it her ghost? Was it really her, returned from the dead?!

Adam followed the scent a little more closely, still cautious. He stopped when he came to see a shadowy figure off in the distance....

"Evelyn...?" He whispered. The shadowy figure didn't look at all like her, still, and he didn't want to raise his voice to call out to her. "Eve?" But he was too cautious and a little bit too paranoid to come any closer. He knew if it was Eve, she'd hear him.

Curiously, Adam stepped back into the shadows and set down his few belongings. He then sat down beside his belongings and took out the violin, still resting in its case. He opened the case, looked at it from all angles for a moment, just to study it, and began to play as softly as he could. It wasn't anything too special that he played, just one of the funeral pieces he'd written for Eve. He hoped, that even if it wasn't Eve, and if it was just his longing for her that was playing tricks on him, that he'd still have the chance to play the new piece he'd written for her in this beautiful city before leaving.