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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 10-05-2015, 10:02 PM

She really was less than mental inch away from punching him for that comment. His girlfriend?! Her broom would sooner bloom than she'd take his arm. When the broom tripped him, young woman smirked and stepped sideways so she wasn't in his direct line of sight if he dared to stare up her legs or further. Dressing nicely isn't the same as wanting to show everything for some dumb jock.

As Silvana was about to leave again, his rather frustrated tone stopped her. Turning around, she looked at him expectantly, actually letting him talk, but if he felt like things were getting on a good track, it was not long lived joy.

"You never won Spelling Bee, did you?" she asked him, eyebrow quirked, "the word 'sweetheart' does start with 's', yes." One arm propped on her hip challengingly, she looked more like some wild forest warrior arrived to present day in a whirlwind of magic that dressed her appropriately, but that is where her similarity to typical modern women ended. The crowd had mostly dispersed now, calling of dorms and other places of resting greater than the local drama, but some still gave her (and her behind) quiet, admiring looks.

Oh, she knew full well who Kevlar spoke of and she could have relieved his worry instantly, but she had no interest in easing anything for him! Besides, if anyone was going to be match maker, then it was going to be her. She would make sure Saith was suiting for her new friend and that golden haired woman wouldn't run away from herself and her feelings forever. This human male could do hardly more than give stupid advice and hug the woman he apparently knew his friend had a thing for. Besides, so much for giving Mae a choice even if she had had another sweetheart! (Although he had gained tiny point for being ready to stand up for his friend's feelings even if he had undermined a lot of things with holding council president.)

"And I do not run a gossip paper, for your information," she snapped at him, golden eyes narrowing. "however I bet those who do, are already writing articles about your little display. So, if you value your friend's crush so much, should think about how you will explain that to him!" Their height distance wasn't big enough for her to be intimidated by his height, not with her high heels, at least, but she still had to look up to him.

And dammit to Overgrown city, why did this particular weirdo have to be of the handsome kind? He really had a nice smile, even though it was a little forced right now. When he started to make excuses, her defiant expression turned into annoyed one and she rolled her eyes again. Honestly, it was professionally mastered expression on her and the broom even jumped up and down a little, swishing to sides, at it. "Sure, sure, words of excuses are easy to say, while your actions speak different story." Perhaps it was a mentality of hers; actions before words. "Although I will agree with you on one point: you are an idiot." With that she finally turned and left.

But the seed of doubt had been planted. It was tiny and far from sprouting yet, but just maybe she really had misjudged him, even if a little bit? In that case, he had been quite brave, to speak to her like that after everything... Frowning slightly now that she was out of Kevlar's sight, woman thought about it for a bit before she threw all thoughts about the polo player in a box 'use when situation calls but that's definitely not right now' and went to find a nice spot from which to pester Mae from via messages and maybe chat with her net friends.