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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 10-07-2015, 10:47 PM

On cue, the ship shook again. "For the love of Ra, I'm DONE with this bullshit!" Haine growled.

"She's Haine, by the way. I'm Takano." Takano said, bracing himself.

"Dartz." Dartz said by way of introduction. "Explanations will have to come later, Aki and I need to get to the bri--AGH!" And again the ship shook.

"Fuck regulations, I'm not listening to them." Haine said, entering the lift. She paused to address Yuya. "Also, kid, I hope you don't get spacesick easy."

Rin gave her a look. "I hope you're just talking about finding some aspirin." But she doubted it.