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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-09-2015, 11:26 PM

(Don't worry! I don't mind. :D To be honest, I'm not used to playing such a.... er... "romantic" character, so I'm probably really, really overdoing the compliments! LOL.)

After mounting his horse as swiftly as he could, Edwin helped Josephina up onto his horse and once his knights were on top of their horses as well, Edwin set the pace and trotted off with his new bride by his side. He went slowly, so as not to startle Josephina. After all, though she certainly seemed to be very brave, he was unsure of whether or not she'd ever ridden a horse.

"If you feel you may be losing your balance, you may feel free to hold onto me. We'll arrive at the castle shortly."

Edwin motioned to his knights that he'd soon pick up his pace. Within a few moments his horse picked up the gait. It didn't take an awful amount of time for his horse to come to a full gallop, and though he was unsure of whether or not his new bride was frightened, he certainly wasn't about to slow down for they were only a short distance from the castle, which came into view after they'd passed through the gate that separated the castle from the rest of the kingdom.

Edwin didn't feel the need to announce that they'd arrived to Josephina, after all, he knew she could tell that they were there. He slipped off his horse and lifted a hand to help Josephina down. As he did this, out of the corner of his eye he could see his mother waiting for him at the palace entrance. A look of terrible disdain on her face. Edwin turned away from her to pretend that he didn't see.

"My King..." His mother called. Though, she said it with a rather snark tongue, almost as though she were making fun of his title. It was very obvious that his mother didn't approve, but still, Edwin ignored her. "Who is it that you've brought with you, my dear?"

And still, Edwin ignored her, giving Josephina his undivided attention. He knew he couldn't ignore his mother forever... Something had to be done about that. But now wasn't the time to plot and plan. Now was the time to welcome his new bride into his home and soon commence the wedding ceremony, hopefully within the next day.

The Queen (who was tired of being ignored) quickly came down the steps to the castle to meet Edwin and Josephina at the gate entrance, her servants quickly following close behind. Edwin sighed,

"Josephina, this is my mother. The former Queen." He ignored the way his mother snarled and simply threw an arm over Josephina, walking her up towards the castle. "When we wed, you shall become the next Queen." Edwin smiled, though, it was a fake smile, he hoped Josephina couldn't tell.

He was quite happy to escort her inside the castle.