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theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 10-10-2015, 02:47 AM

For a long moment, Kalia just watched Khadri-- then she shook herself out of it with a sigh. There had been too many long silences already in this interaction. They didn't need another. What they needed right now-- would always need, really-- was communication. She moved toward Khadri and placed a hand on his shoulder, following his gaze out to the wall of the crystal sphere, really nothing more than glittering pinpricks at this distance. Supposedly those were gemstones, not stars, but... Kalia still couldn't quite wrap her mind around that thought. Nothing on Mehrir could've prepared her for this journey. Which, in and of itself, was a sad thought.

After just a second or two, Kalia dropped her sight back to Khadri and squeezed his shoulder ever so slightly. Not to move him or anything, though it certainly wouldn't be hard, more to... reassure him. "I'm not going to let you-- any of you-- deal with this mess alone. I protect people. A bump in the road or disagreement isn't going to change that, and it's not going to scare me off."