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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-14-2015, 11:20 PM

Name: Joanna Bronte
Appearance: Joanna is a rather petite woman with long, blonde hair. She often appears friendly and confident with a warm smile. Her eyes are brown, but they have been known to shine into a beautiful hazel on some occasions. She wears light colored clothing at all times. She can be compared to a beacon of light.
History: Joanna was born and raised in York, a city of history and mystery. Still, she'd always wanted to travel and leave the comfort of her hometown to see new faces. She is very friendly in nature and her curiosity often becomes her downfall. Because she hasn't had very much time with suitors, she has had the opportunity to educate herself and later became a governess. She'd serviced quite a few homes in York, but through some act of miraculous fate, she'd been informed of a position elsewhere. Joanna jumped to the chance to leave home and see someplace new. She felt welcomed in the home of Earl Leonard Barrons, but she is unaware of the strange happenings of the house, not until it becomes more evident.
Personality: Joanna is a friendly, warm, caring person. She values her friends and family and likes to think that she is friends with everyone she comes in contact with.

Last edited by Kory; 09-21-2016 at 11:57 PM..