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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-19-2015, 12:12 AM

Haunted Happenings Themed Avatar Contest
This part of the contest is a little different. There will be a small written portion of it. Come up with a creative looking spook or someone being spooked and tell us about it! (3-5 sentences please)

Creepy Costumes

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Whatcha haunting?:

[size=5][color=Indigo][b]Haunted Happenings Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[b]Whatcha haunting?[/b]:

Image of My Entry:
Whatcha haunting?: This would be my take on a lady vampire disembarking from a train, some of the other vampires have taken the form of bats, all though a lot of stories can't agree on weather their able to shift forms like that or not. she's also drinking something in the Ruby coloring. is it whine or blood? a very refined lady. and possibly the vampire leader.

Username: Bearzy
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Whatcha haunting?: People think, "Oh huh, knight of the Seelie court, that makes you a good guy!" Yeah.... not so much. It just means I like pastels. There's no telling what will happen to you if my queen orders you dead. You like roses? How about a bed of thorns.

Username: Damia Flagg
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Whatcha haunting?: Everywhere I'm in search of candy & a good place to hide my sweets after I collect them.
The graveyard looks like a good place to hide them.
Who would think to look in a graveyard for candy?

Username: blueblackrose
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Whatcha haunting?: Let's go to the old haunted McCready house they said. It will be fun they said. Fun for who? They went and locked me in the attic. Stupid mea... *eyes grow large* that a...SPIDER! *screams and runs towards the hole in the roof where the moonlight is coming in* That was...what is that? *screams again at the sight of blood and more spider, beginning to cry* Let me out of here!

Username: numerica
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Whatcha haunting?: This is a “Lady In White.” She is the spirit of a woman who committed suicide after her husband was unfaithful to her, and now lures unfaithful men to their deaths. The butterfly was a gift from her husband, given to her after the first time he was unfaithful, promising never to do it again.

Username: babyblueyez25
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Whatcha haunting?: The lady of loch awe. A woman who was murdered by a jealous lover on old hallows eve haunts the loch on Halloween every year. People who are around the loch on Halloween have reported seeing a woman by the water in white and sounds of her crying can be heard for miles.

Username: HIM_holycrapnuggetsclowns_ROCK
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Whatcha haunting?:Having eaten too much cake children should all gather round but they run and hide. It's time for the clowns to have some fun, murderous fun.

Username: dragoness129
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Whatcha haunting?: Death by fire and a tornado!? What are the odds! Now this ghost spends her time up in the clouds. The constant wind keeps the fire alive. Being this high up is the best feeling. Maybe she will haunt the occasional plane whenever it passes. What else do you think causes all those plane crashes?

Image of My Entry:
Whatcha haunting?: There once was a woman who lived alone. She lived on a house set on a hill, one day her house became infested with Spiders, the deadly kind. She tried everything to get rid of them, but it only made them angry, so angry that one day they ain't her whole. Now her soul or "ghost" lives on in the house haunting it forever, "known as Spider Lady" by those who live to tell the tale she spends her time reigning as queen over the creatures that killed her and conspires against anyone who buys her beloved dream house she never got to enjoy. When something good happens people always said to pass it on, well she "passed on" and is carrying it forward - some habits die hard.

Image of My Entry:
Whatcha haunting?: Every year my school has a haunted house for Halloween and I've never gone..until this year. I don't like scary things because of the weak bladder that runs in my family, but my friends told me it would be fun and more exciting than anything. Plus all the cute boys from school are going. How could I say no to that? I SHOULD have... The boy I was crushing on for like ever slipped and fell in my pee!!! Now I can never show my face at school again!!!

Haunted Happenings Entry Form

Username: Sadrain
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Whatcha haunting?: The sky burns with hues of orange and purple, now that the storm that left you stranded on what seems to be uninhabited island has calmed down. You have not lost all hope yet, the route your ship was on is often traveled and perhaps someone received the distress signal captain sent. Now all that matters is to survive until help arrives. Yet you can't shake the images of what seemed like beautiful women in the stormy waters, pulling sailors underneath... As you wander the coast, seeking shelter, you suddenly hear a hauntingly beautiful melody. Following the sound, you come to a cave entrance on the beach. Waves slowly dance into it, making it unfit for a shelter, yet you are pulled closer and closer by the song. Unable to stop your body, you enter the cave where you see a gorgeous young woman smiling at you sweetly as she sings the song of your life. As your sight dims, darkness taking over your consciousness, you realize that instead of legs she has tail of a fish and notice faint figures of your crew mates standing behind her, their spirits now eternally in her servitude as will be yours when her song ends...

Username: linnea
Image of My Entry:

Whatcha haunting?:
Bob here just wants to be a human again so he found this disguise. It was left behind during a Halloween bonfire/kegger in the woods and whew those people all left pretty fast when Bob showed up. If he wasn't so determined he might have given up by now. Maybe if he stops bringing the creepy foggy orbs and spiders it might help his cause.

Last edited by Nephila; 11-06-2015 at 12:14 AM..