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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 09:02 AM

As is the trend for the evening, when forced to hide, everyone scatters like a flock of headless chickens. The military base is near pitch black, and Annabelle, Katherine, Ananda, Sterling and Oliver, huddle together, moving cautiously through the darkness.

Annabelle: [sarcastically] Hiding again. Great work, Oliver.
Oliver: [smiles] Thank you.
Ananda: How could you not know that your partner is an alien?
Oliver: [shrugs] He never said he was. [points at Sterling] I mean, how do you know your partner isn’t an alien?
Sterling: [offended] Hey.
Ananda: I know Sterling’s not an alien. He’s just a weirdo.
Sterling: Hey!
Katherine: Let’s not be too hard on Oliver. We wouldn’t have made it this far without him. [dejected] I just wonder how much farther we can go. We’re cornered out in the middle of nowhere. Most of my family is gone… [her eyes tear up] and I don’t think we’re going to get them back.
Annabelle: Oh mom.
Sterling: [haltingly places his hand on Katherine’s shoulder] Don’t… lose hope, Katherine. We’re all here with you. And, y’know, I’m sure if we stick together and keep our faith, we can find a way.
Katherine: [wiping her eyes] Thank you, Sterling.
Ananda: [teasing] Mr. Weber, you softy. So you are human after all.
Sterling: [frowning] I’m not a monster. [he freezes] Wait, what is that?!

Everyone tenses.

Annabelle: [whispering] What?! I don’t see anything!
Sterling: [pointing] In the distance. It’s a soldier. … It’s the spirit of a soldier!
Ananda: A spirit?!
Oliver: [excited] Oh boy, he’s doing the spooky!
Sterling: He… he’s beckoning to us. [starts to move] C’mon.
Annabelle: Wait, you seriously want us to follow a ghost?!
Sterling: Would you rather stay out here with the aliens?
Katherine: A sound argument if I ever heard one.

None of them can see what Sterling sees, but he moves with purpose. Following the medium’s lead, they soon reach a building at the edge of the base

Sterling: He wants us to go in here.
Anada: Are you sure this is safe?
Sterling: I don’t feel any maliciousness from him. In fact, I think he’s trying to help us.
Annabelle: We can use all the help we can get.

Inside is a small room. It’s mostly bare, save for a few signs on the wall explaining various rules about gun safety. Sterling turns to the right and places his hand on a nearby door.

Sterling: In here. This is where he’s led us.
Oliver: That’s the old munitions room. Where they used to keep the guns.

Annabelle, Katherine, Ananda & Sterling: Guns!
Oliver: Yeah, but they’re not there anymore. Government removed ‘em a long time ago. So now there’s nothing really useful.
Sterling: Then why… [he opens the door and his jaw drops]

Stacked high, in the small windowless room, are shelves. And packed on each shelf are numerous blasters, the same weapons used by the Tarcurians!

Annabelle: Nothing useful?! These are those ray gun things! Holy shit!
Katherine: Annabelle, language! … But I have to agree, holy shit.
Ananda: Oliver, did you know these were here?
Oliver: Yeah, but they don’t work. They’re only replicas.

Taking one of the guns from the shelf, Sterling points it opposite him and fires. A red laser shoots forward and blasts a hole in the wall.

Sterling: [calmly] Looks pretty real to me.
Oliver: [scratches his head] Imagine that. Wolf told me they weren’t real.
Ananda: And you believed him?!
Oliver: Wolf was very convincing. His high, squeaky voice is so soothing.
Annabelle: [almost giddy] Now we can defend ourselves! Oliver, how do these work?
Oliver: [taking the gun] The settings are here. The blue beam interferes with electronics. The green beam stuns living creatures. The purple beam transports things back to the mothership. And the red beam is a whole lot of ouch.
Annabelle: Oh believe me; before we’re through, those assholes are going to be in a world of ouch.

Meanwhile in the mess hall.

Woodlandnymph: I wonder if there’s any food ‘round here. I’m starving.
xoxoAngiexoxo: [incredulously] How can you possibly think of food at a time like this?!
Woodlandnymph: You know I never eat before an investigation. Plus all this running and hiding works up an appetite.
Saravi Boo: Well this place looks like it’s been shut down for a while, so I doubt you’d wanna eat anything you did find.
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: Hey, maybe they’ve got some freeze dried ice cream. That stuff doesn’t go bad.
spicedroses: Yeah, and some Tang!
xoxoAngiexoxo: This is a military base, not an astronaut camp.
Saravi Boo: Even if there was food, I’m far too scared to eat.
Woodlandnymph: Not me. I’m going to check the kitchen.
spicedroses: Be careful. And try not to make any noise.
Woodlandnymph: *rolls eyes* Okay, mom.

Woody weaves through the maze of disorganized tables and disappears into the kitchen. All is momentarily quiet before she races out again, shouting.

Woodlandnymph: Not food! Not food! Run!

Gremlin and the others burst out the mess hall doors, frantically trying to escape the Tarcurians now on their tail. But their attempt to escape is in vain, as they run straight into Wolf and his collection of alien compatriots. Before any of them can react, they’re stunned and transported to the mothership now floating overhead.

Wolf: To think we place the future of the mighty Tarcurian race in the hands of these apes.
Annabelle: [calling out] Well maybe if you blue buttholes weren’t such wimps, we wouldn’t have to. [aw snap]

Annabelle and the others have appeared, each wielding a blaster, poised and ready.

Wolf: So you’ve found the armory. What do you think that accomplishes?
Ananda: It gives us a fighting chance.
Oliver: Wolf… what happened to us? I thought we were friends. Remember all the good times we had? Drinking cocoa? Playing Candyland? All those stories you would tell me about you and Donna Skally back in the bureau?
Wolf: All lies. It was far too easy keeping a simpleton like you in line.
Oliver: [pouting] You said we were going to start a band.
Annabelle: Enough talk! We’re not going to be terrorized by you anymore. We’re getting my family back, and all of our friends.
Wolf: And how do you plan to do that? Say, by some chance, you defeat us here, and then what? You’re still outnumbered. The intellectual prowess of my race is far too advanced for your tiny brains to comprehend. You cannot win.
Annabelle: The odds may not be in our favor, but that’s the thing about us humans, we don’t give up. There was once a great Earth hero. Even in the face of adversity, even when the odds seemed stacked against him, he kept repeating, “I think I can! I think I can!” And he chugged, and he chugged, and by god, eventually he could! And so can we!
Sterling: Who writes this stuff?
Wolf: Brave words. But wars aren’t won with words.

Wolf the Tarcurian shouts an undecipherable command to the collected alien army, and they all raise their blasters. But Annabelle and her crew are quick, popping off a few rounds and moving before they can get hit. Soon the darkened military base is lit by energy beams flying to and fro.

Katherine: Holy cow, I think we’re winning!
Oliver: I told you, they’re not very good fighters.
Ananda: What’s that?!

A Tarcurian has appeared, strapped with what looks like a stout silver bazooka to its back. A swirling of light begins to swell around the mouth of the weapon, and the air ripples and pulsates.

Oliver: Particle cannon! Scatter!

Oliver and the others quickly flee, just as the cannon discharges, hitting the mess hall and causing it to burst into a million pieces. The explosion, though not massive, causes enough of a shockwave to knock everyone down. Staggered, Annabelle climbs back on her feet and sees…

Annabelle: Mom!

Katherine has been stunned and is already rising up into the air. Higher and higher she rides the lights until she is swallowed by the mouth of the ship.

Annabelle: You bastards! Give her back!
Wolf: As I said, you cannot win. And now we have your entire family, Annabelle Seward. The question is, how will you proceed? Foolishly continue to oppose us, or surrender to the inevitable? We’ll give you time to decide. But know this, you were chosen to be a soldier, and a soldier you shall be.

A purple glow circles Wolf and the wounded Tarcurians before they are transported away, leaving Annabelle, Oliver, Ananda, Sterling and the remaining Ghost Quest team behind. All would appear calm, if not for the looming shape of the mothership overhead.

Oliver: Man, Wolf’s turned into a real jerk. I don’t think I like him anymore.
Ananda: [approaching the younger girl] Annabelle, what do you want to do?
Annabelle: [holding back the tears, a look of determination crosses her face] You heard him. I’m a soldier. So I’ll do what a soldier does. Fight. [she turns to face the group] I’m not gonna stay down here and wait to be picked off. [holding up the blaster] They left us the keys, so I’m going up there and I'm getting everyone back! What I want to know is who’s coming with me?!
Oliver: [chipper] Well you can’t go without me. I know that ship better than anyone here.
Ananda: [takes a deep breath] My mother always said I should have never left London. And right now I’m thinking she’s right, because I am more scared in this moment than I have ever been in my life. But I also know there’s no turning back. Earlier this evening I promised your sister we would do our best to help your family, and I intend to keep that promise.

Annabelle smiles, and hugs Ananda.

Sterling: I’d like to go, but I’ve got all this laundry to do back home, and…
Ananda: Sterling!
Sterling: [rolls eyes] Fine, I’ll go.

Annabelle: Is everyone else in?

Though apprehensive, the rest of the team agrees.

Annabelle: Good. Now let’s go kick some alien butt.

Location: Tarcurian Mothership

Search Options:
-- Unknown Sector 1
-- Unknown Sector 2
-- Unknown Sector 3
-- Unknown Sector 4
-- Unknown Sector 5
-- Unknown Sector 6
-- Unknown Sector 7
-- Unknown Sector 8

Paste this form into the thread to play
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="5"][B]Today is Day Six. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick alien butt, and i'm all out of bubblegum![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I've ended up in: [write map area here]

Where is everybody?X

-- Unknown Sector 1
Dystopoa - >:D
Kent - >:D
Midian - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 2
Chexala - >:D
Damia Flagg - >:D
Naisou - >:D
Velvet - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 3
GummyBearKisses - >:D
Kay - >:D
musasgal - >:D
SuperZombiePotatoe - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 4
Babyblueyez25 - >:D
xoxoAngiexoxo - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 5
Nephila - >:D
numerica - >:D
Razak - >:D
shinigamikarasu - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 6
Arinina Dreamdancer - >:D
Cardinal Biggles - >:D
Cora - >:D
GwenaHikari - >:D
Hadsvich - >:D
LaVida - >:D
Mimmu - >:D
Nema - >:D
Roxxxy - >:D
spicedroses - >:D
star200shadow - >:D
wish - >:D
woohoohelloppl - >:D
Xogizmoox - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 7
Divacita - >:D
Elirona - >:D
hummy - >:D
Kamikaze Kendra - >:D
Mageling - >:D
Miscreant74 - >:D
Q U E E N - >:D
Rochiel Silverfire - >:D
Sarave Boo - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 8
blueblackrose - >:D
Car'a'Carn - >:D
DivineHeart - >:D
dragoness129 - >:D
KatMagenta - >:D
Maha-Aamir - >:D
Roachi - >:D
sadrain - >:D
salvete - >:D
Whisper Invictus - >:D
zigbigadorlube - >:D

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-06-2015 at 02:49 AM..