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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-26-2015, 03:05 PM

Feeling tears welling up in her eyes when Tarek apologized, Holly wanted to turn around and run away. Maybe, if she left him now, it would hurt less when he didn't return. Still, she couldn't force herself to do that. She liked him too much and truthfully, she was desperate for some contact.

When Tarek held out his pinky finger, Holly looked at it curiously. Say a promise and no one can go back on it? Well, she had nothing to lose. She wrapped her pinky around his and stared straight into his eyes and said, "I promise I will be right here when you return." She didn't want to let go, but she had no choice after a point, as he had his heart set on leaving the forest.

She kicked up some dirt under her hooves anxiously. "I'll be right here..." She said, just to make sure, if it wasn't clear already, where she would be exactly. "W-wait, before you go, I want to give you something..." Holly turned around and, with her finger, counted the berry bushes. When she made it to the fourth one on her left, she dropped to the ground and started digging beneath the bush. Her fingers got pretty muddy when she was done, but she pulled out a brown, muddy, clay ocarina.

Holding it in her hands gently, she carried it over to Tarek and offered it to him. "Here." She gave her best attempt at a smile, though it looked rather sad instead of cheerful. "I want you to have this. This forest is big... If you get lost, just blow on it and I will come and find you." Holly hoped he'd take it, she really didn't want him to get lost in the forest, though, she knew her way around well enough she could find him without it. Still, it would be much easier to find him with the help of beautiful music rather than relying on her senses.