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Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~<3
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Evergreen Goddess is offline
Old 11-01-2015, 06:45 AM

Groaning, Valentinus opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness. It was clear to him he wasn't on a cloud near a mountain anymore. He looked down at the dark grass beneath him and looked around for his friend. "Faythe?" he said to no one in particular as he stood up and brushed himself off. He didn't see his dove anywhere but he knew she had to be here with him, she always stayed close to him. Looking around, Valentinus sighed; he couldn't possibly stay here for the night. Where could he go though? "Faythe?!" he called out and shook his head. His pink eyes examined his surroundings, so this was earth? "What's the big deal? It looks rather...lonely." he muttered and decided he needed to move and look for a place to stay.

Faythe ruffled her feathers and flew towards Valentinus, turning into her human form as she did so. "Sorry Valentinus, I guess I fell to sleep longer than I thought I would." she apologized and smiled sheepishly. Faythe walked a little faster to keep with him and yawned softly. "I hope we can find some sort of place to spend the night. I'm still very tired and you need to get some rest as well." she pointed out as she walked with him through the woods. Looking around, she saw a cabin but when she pulled Valentinus towards it, she noticed it was covered in all sorts of plants. "No good, this place is uninhabitable." she commented and continued walking with him.

"Under a tree is fine Faythe, I'm extremely tired and so are you so let's find a nice tree to sleep under." Valentinus replied. His pink eyes looked at the various trees until he found one he liked even thought it looked just like the others only a bit bigger. "Here we go, this will be fine for tonight." he informed and lay down on the soft grass. He looked over at Faythe who smiled at him and lay down beside him to keep him company. "Goodnight Faythe, sleep well." he said then closed his eyes and easily fell to sleep.

Faythe smiled as she lay down beside Valentinus under a large tree. The grass was very soft beneath her and was actually very comfortable. "Goodnight Valentinus, sleep well." she whispered as he slept. Letting out a soft yawn, Faythe closed her eyes and fell to sleep at his side.