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Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 01:57 AM

Ava had checked the list of rooms fairly quickly and easily memorized her room number. She happily skipped towards the room, wondering who her roommate would be. She wondered if it would already be someone she had seen earlier in the morning, or someone completely new to her. Maybe they were the same age as her and new, or maybe they were already really used to this school. She at least hoped they would be fun to be around. When she got to her room, room 38B. She opened the door and immediately saw a tall blonde girl. Now, Ava was used to being short. It was natural for her, being 4''10 meant she was pretty much shorter than everyone she met, but this girl was just really, really tall. It was mildly terrifying for at least a second.

Ava quickly got over that though, and closed the door behind her before hoping onto the bed that didn't seem like it was taken. "Hi!" she exclaimed with a smile, "I guess you and I are roommates? I'm Ava!"


Oliver clutched his backpack as he walked towards the general direction he thought his room was in. He hadn't bothered checking the list because of the large crowd that was gathered around it. Instead he relied on his memory of the number he had been given on his acceptance letter. He had been repeating in his head constantly so it was easy to remember at this point. He carefully avoided bumping into people as everyone rushed towards their rooms excitedly.

He slowly opened the door to his room, checking the number one last time to make sure this really was his room. Peeking his head in he saw another boy, probably around his age, already in the room. He slowly stepped into the room, silently eyeing the other boy before laying his backpack down onto the untaken bed. He sat on the bed, simply staying still for a few minutes whiles fidgeting with his hands. He wasn't really sure what to say or do at this point. "Uhm..." he started off slowly, "Hi..."