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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-10-2015, 06:49 AM

" They want mess with you I promise. The other teachers here feel the same way. No one deserves to be judged by their peers based on lies." He said seeing how upset Yukina was." If someone doesn't stand up Miss. Uutada things are only going to get worse for you here. I didn't do it just for you. There are three girls in this class with secrets and issues that that same group pick on. I've had enough of it. You are new and they don't know your name, what your favorite color is, or anything about you. You are a person with feelings and you shouldn't be made to feel upset or worthless or have your day ruined by others. Our academy is a bully free one none of the teachers allow it. The bulling will stop if I have to go to every class with you and the three other girls. Believe it or not the head master here believes in all students being bully free and having a safe place to learn. "

Rhyu said as he starting backing his books up on his desk getting ready for his free period. He paused at he looked at her again. " Miss. Uutada I'm not singling you out or trying to make your life difficult. But at some point you have to stand up for yourself. While you are here that is my job. Every teacher here takes their job very seriously. Unlike most schools we have teachers in every place students are to prevent bulling. If you don't stand up for yourself you'll live under that dark cloud that is building around you. When I first came here none of the students respected me. Many laughed because of my age. It took me only one year to have the students afraid to see me coming in the halls because I stood up for myself. My job is to teach not just book and theory but about life. So here is your lesson for the day. " Rhyu said as he looked at her. " Respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself. Don't ignore them because it will only get worse. Stand up and be proud of who you are. Here you will learn without whispering and being made fun of. If you don't like that then find a new school. But Yukina I'm doing this because I care about you. Just as every other teacher here does. " Rhyu said as he walked to the back of the room to his larger desk and sat his book down pulling out two large binders and offical papers as he sat down and pulled out a pen starting to fill the papers out. "The door is that way if you wish to exit. But I expect to see you before you leave for the day to work on your plan for catching up." He said not looking up from his work.

Sakura sat up straight hearing her name a little surprised. She had been so nervous by waiting she hadn't noticed anyone come in. She looked up as she saw her teacher Mr. Ikito. " Oh, I'm fine I am really sorry for the trouble I caused. " She said as she looked to the floor. " I promise to accept my punishment with no question after what I did. I should have just kept calm and let the others have their way." She said as she frowned not happy with herself. " Her eyes wondered to her notebook as she saw the pictures she had started to work on. " It was my fault I had started sketching you without noticing. I have a bad habit of doodling while I listen. I hadn't noticed the doodling where you until the shadow was over my desk and my notebook was suddenly taken from me. I promise I don't have a crush like they said. I was to busy thinking about the project you where talking about. I had thought before my notebook was taken of doing one of you with different pictures at each layer to show the different sides or layers of teachers. I was going to ask of course and I would have changed it to another teacher I just didn't get a change." She said as she sighed.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 11-10-2015 at 06:53 AM..