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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 11-11-2015, 08:41 PM

When Reno said they had won tickets to the place, Rory's eyes snapped to two sisters, at that point especially the blonde. "Why would you even want to come here?" She asked, the surprised tone in her voice evident. It wasn't like it was a smart question, odds are, the others on the island probably didn't know that it would likely kill them.

The two sisters seemed to start to bicker about what ended up bringing them to the island, or it was more of Reno teasing her sister. The two Unai followed them in silence as the two continued to talk.

Rory could really relate to Ryna at that point, which she found odd for she didn't think she was going to find much of anything to share in common with her. She smiled as she sat at the water's edge. "Fear is a natural thing," she said as she dipped her feet into the water. "We all handle it differently but as long as there's someone there to look out for you, then it's not so bad."

Leaning forward, when she looked into the water, she didn't see herself, she saw her sister and let out a sigh. Lifting her head up, she cast Ryna a smile as she said, "You're very much like Faline." The older twin very rarely let on when something bothered her or when she was fearful; she was the stone wall and protector. Yet, Rory knew that her sister was far from that really. Many of her sister's actions were calculated and based on keeping people safe; she wasn't really mean she just had a hard time really relating with others.

"When we find her, the two of you can go about ridding this island of all things that can harm anyone."

Abi set the items she had gathered up a bit away from the water to keep it from getting too wet. She then walked over to a shallow end of the water and stood in it for a few minutes. The water was cool, but that wasn't why she wasn't going in right away. If anyone was watching her closely, they would have seen that her feet were actually rooting into the sandy bottom of the water.

After a few moments, she started moving again. Moving slightly deeper into the water, she took a seat, pulling her white gown over her head and dunking it under the water to clean it.

Like other Unai, the Forest Unai were raised as community pups. They were moved early on so that they didn't bond too closely with their own litter mates, though clearly that wasn't stopped with twins. Then again, from what she saw, it seemed that Forest Unai were a bit different with the fact that they had larger litters ranging from 3 to more pups. The Mountain Unai seemed to birth single pups, which made sense due to the lack of resources found in her own homeland.

She let her mind wander as she slowly pushed water up her arms. There was so much going on at all times that it was difficult to keep track of all of it; the island was dangerous, but only at night. Were all these dangerous creatures really nocturnal? If there were so many, were the others of their kind not a threat to the limited food source of campers? Were the campers even their actual food? There were just too many questions that couldn't be answered.