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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 11-12-2015, 07:04 PM

"Because she loves you," Aleu reassured the Unai. "And she is safe. Although my dearest Reno doesn't know it, her strength swells within. The monsters of this island will hardly be a fight for her. She's of the same blood as I, a blood of a race that used to work alongside Unai. The bond between Lypheion and Unai used to be strong. I presume it's why I hardly break a sweat against these monsters. If my hunch is right, these monsters are twisted reincarnations of your previous summons. I don't know why they linger. All I can guess is that a rift is open that prevents these monsters from returning to the abyss you summoned them from."

"And don't worry, Rory has more than just Reno. She brought with her a Forest Unai, likely to help aid in finding you. Thankfully, the trees listen to me and aren't going to spill our secret just yet."

Her chuckled. "Why I only hope the Forest Unai will not take offense to Reno's explosive powers." A small smirk played on her lips. "Regardless, my little Reno has taken a liking to your sister. I know she will defend her to her dying breath." For a moment, her brows furrowed. It was hard to picture her own daughter dying to save a Unai she only just met but this was Reno. She loved deeply. To throw her life away for someone she care about was totally in her character. It actually brought tears to the Lypheion's eyes.

Beating her lashes, she whisked the water away. Now was not the time to get sentimental about the heroic nature of a child.

"If you would like," Aleu began, "we can go spy on them. Perhaps seeing your sister will change your mind? Like I said, I do not want to keep you from your sister. I understand the bond of siblings for I have twin brothers. I spent most of my life not knowing they existed for my parents feared they would kill me. Thankfully, they had no interest in pursuing the royal bloodline, instead deciding to take on the roles of guardians of both land and water."

Not moving, she looked toward the direction they just came from. "If you do wish to see her, we will need to seek higher ground. From there, you can decide if you want to run down and greet her or follow me to the next path of our journey."