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ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-03-2015, 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire View Post
That is so cool, I have a friend who is Portuguese too!

Well, if anyone asks, I'm from Jupiter. I have an unhealthy obsession with Mis Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston. (Actors, Mia played Alice in the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland and Tom played Loki in the Avengers) I love the color orange. I think my favorite movie is The Help. I usually hate segregation movies, but The Help was one of the few that was actually funny and not completely sad and depressing.

As far as the holidays go, my parents and I are in the process of moving and we really don't have any money for gifts or fancy food. So we won't celebrate the holidays this year. We may light the menorahs because the candles are dirt cheap, but other than that we won't do much. I wanted to make an apple cake and some latkes, but we really don't have the money to go all out and we need to fix up the house to get ready to move. We're moving to California. :)

I'm biracial. Black and white, to put simply, I try to identify more with my black heritage because my outward appearance is obviously black, but it's hard because the black community is so fickle. At least, where I come from, anyway. I don't know much about my ethnicity other than Creole and German. My grandfather grew up in Germany, but he died recently before I ever got the chance to ask him about Germany. I don't hink he's been back to Germany since I've been alive.

Okay, I'm done.
That's all about me lol.

Oh and one thing you should probably know about me is that I have bad boundaries and TMI issues, so I talk about some pretty "gross" things from time to time.
Ever heard of the expression No publicity is bad publicity ?
I like to use that when i feel like i'm saying something but might not sound (for me) to appealing to the other person.
I have many creole friends i hangout with from time to time and i had a babysitter from 4 to 5 so i'm familiar with the culture and life style. To be honest i'm not really aware of the portuguese culture i know it's really bad but i know that everyone has their "icks" in some places in them, so it's not really something that will affect me. Except morally, because it's like my dad's legacy almost, that i'm not carrying on you know ?
Quick fun question for you.
Wich is portuguese and wich is Italian? Those are last names
Oliveira Pettinelli
hehe let me know ! P=
Oh that's so cool ! Hope your moving goes nice and smooth for you guys !
I remember when i was little ,
my parents were moving in what was my second home at the time , and i hid in one of the boxes and my father ended up pick me up and almost throwing me to the ground not knowing i was in it and as soon as i freaked out he dropped me lol !
Those are happy memories for me hehe !
Things were much simpler back then when everyone was happy , well from what i know. Oh and i love that movie to !
Thank you once more for replying it's greatly appreciated !
Please feel free to ask me any other question ! i will be happy and honored to reply :) TTYL