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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Aww, I understand. ; w; Just try doodling every now and then for the fun of it.
You can practice on pencil and paper too. X3
I hope once you have your tablet and pen or a new one you'll feel the urge to draw~

Ohh~ Pixel art is nice~ o uo Sounds like a good idea.
I can't do traditional art
as good as i can do digital art XD It's kind of like when you have two characters in a game and you are trying to level them both up to the same level but your main one is much higher.

Yeah me too. I am sure i will get to soon.

Yes it is. I do pixel art by mouse so i can do that easily. XD