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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 12-26-2015, 06:04 PM

I live in Colorado ..but I believe that large gatherings are susceptible ANYWHERE...but I try not to dwell on the thought...
(When we become frozen in fear and never leave our homes, then the enemy has won without taking any lives!)

Yes! That is the exact reason why Halloween is the best! You can be who or what ever you want to be,...and folks don't call ya CRAZY! Lol! I take it that your phone is as difficult as mine is to participate on this site?.....and I usually only have this phone to access Menewsha...and everything is so TINY!
Sometimes I get to use an iPad...then I get to see details....and I go "WHOA! I didn't realize my avi looked like THAT!!" Lmao!