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The Lovely Liune
Liunesta is offline
Old 12-30-2015, 02:04 AM

Ava, I hate that they didn't show the good history with the bad history. Yes, the bad needs to be taught as a remembrance of what not to allow or do in our country again. (Yet somehow groups of people are being treated unfairly.) There is so much good history that they should be flooding the books with. I wish they would strip away black history month and put our history with ALL American history. Example, the traffic light is something that is used every day. Why is it only in Feb. that it's worth mentioning its creator was African American. American history is American history. Historically, Black History Month was needed because there were people that would wipe us from history books completely if they could. However, it is not this way anymore. Just more separation in a country that needs unification. That's my soapbox speech for tonight, ha ha.