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numerica is offline
Old 01-02-2016, 08:39 PM

Leanna watched helplessly as Miss Bronte struggled to get up. It was clear Miss Bronte was a determined woman, and no amount of pleading would make her sit and wait for help to arrive until she had ascertained for herself that she would be unable to get up. After a few attempts, she seemed to decide it was futile, though, stopping and asking about Leanna’s statement.

“No, no one from the village will come to the estate since Mother died.” She paused, considering how much to tell Miss Bronte. “I’m not supposed to know, but they say that the place has been cursed because Papa pushed Mother down the stairs.” Realizing how that sounded, Leanna hurried to reassure Miss Bronte. “It isn’t true, of course. Papa would never do something like that, even if Mother and he didn’t get along. And the police investigated, and said it was an accident.”

Just as she said that John arrived with Mrs. Browne, who took one look at the situation, and sent John off to fetch Mr. Browne and one of the stable hands to assist Miss Bronte to the carriage.