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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 01-06-2016, 02:50 AM

"Ah, I see." Joanna kept her composure, though inside she was panicking a little about people thinking the home was cursed. She didn't consider herself too superstitious, but she found when a crowd of people have the same gut feeling that was usually a sign of something strange afoot. Joanna looked at Leanna, something strange was definitely afoot here, however, Joanna was no detective, and besides, she had one job here: Teach the child. The sooner she could accept that and get on with her work, perhaps the sooner she'd realize that the superstitious minds were nothing to fret over.

Joanna noticed how quickly Leanna seemed to defend her father, "Of course it isn't true, dear. Your father seems like a gentle man."

Joanna felt embarrassed again as Mr. Browne arrived with help to get Joanna upright then into the carriage. Joanna tried to convince them that she was fine and could walk, at first,

"All I need is for someone to get me to my feet, see? No prob-" Joanna tried her hardest to avoid the trip to the doctor, but the pain in her ankle wouldn't cease even for a second as she tried to stand on it again and again. It seemed that fate had given the call and she had to answer to it. Joanna leaned on Mr. Browne and the stable man as they lifted her into the carriage, all the while she grumbled and moaned about doctors being untrustworthy and insensitive.