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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-11-2016, 01:20 AM

Getting into position behind the enemy was relatively easy. With the volley of shots being fired down the middle of the hallway rather than to the edges where she was strafing the walls, it didn’t take Lielieja long to slip behind their party. She could feel Dragumand gathering the force around him a moment before he leapt at the group taking out a droid in one fell swing. Similarly drawing on the force, Lielija prepared one of her signature moves. She was about to step into the pirate’s midst and release her Force Wave when they suddenly holstered their blasters and changed forward to engage her partner in close range combat. Sometimes being invisible could be a pain… She took one step forward to get into range when a twinge in the force caused her to change direction. Striding purposefully towards the elevator doors, she was ready when the doors slid open with a happy ding.

Smiling, Lielieja took a breath, then released the energy she had pent up, sending a shockwave out around her that threw the enemies before her against the back wall of the elevator before they knew what hit them. Letting her cloak of shadows fall away, Lielieja ignited her lightsaber and stepped inside the elevator, quickly dispatching the fallen pirates before they could rise. That accomplished, she grabbed the arm of the closest pirate and hauled the lifeless body halfway over the threshold to prevent the elevator door from closing. Stepping back out into the hallway, she turned to see how her partner was faring with his group.

((Now it was my turn to take forever! What you wrote is totally fine! Don’t worry so much. XD))