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MonkeyGirl18 is offline
Old 01-11-2016, 04:55 PM

January 11th:

Challenge: The future of . . .
I don't really know what this challenge prompt is asking me with the future.... Future of what? I know it's up to me to decide, but I like to know what it is the future of.... So I'm just going to have to come up with something....

I know I could just do the future of Menewsha, but that's too predictable and I am still rather new and trying to build up my gold and inventory so that I can dress up however I like.

I guess the future of 2016. I hope to have started vlogging, been wanting to do this for 2 years, possibly more. I also hope that I have saved up a lot of money, and have finished at least 1 blanket and finished the 2 plushies I'm making for friends. That was supposed to be their Christmas present but I ran out of time.


~At one in the morning, I decided to go to bed because I was tired. I had a long day, but I didn't go to sleep til 2:30 because I kept hearing crinkling and snapping noises for a good while and I got paranoid. Thankfully I did get sleep last night.
~Upon returning to my dorm yesterday, I discovered a fridge filled with mold. Ulgh. At least it's cleaned out now.
~This week is going to be boring af and I couldn't help the fact that my parents couldn't take me later due to their work schedule. Me and my sis shares a vehicle, but it stays with my sis since she works off campus compared to me working on campus.