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When times are tough..... chuck the Axe at the dude trying to choke you with it.
PhoenixNeko is offline
Old 01-28-2016, 09:59 PM

We arrived at the school with just enough time to spend in the Headmaster's office getting things worked out. After much persuasion Claire admitted that these older boys had been harassing her at the jungle gym just out of sight of the teachers that would watch over recess. She had gone to the teachers but they would do nothing about it. The next day the boy who was in charge had told her that they would do nothing because she was a pitiful orphan and they were rich kids and it was their right to take her gil because she had no use for it.

The Headmaster was livid. "Those teachers were hand picked by me for the safety of all the children. Not a select few. You can guarantee that I will make sure these two are punished appropriately."

Just that moment the bell rang to signal classes would be starting soon. Or at least that is what I assume it was for. The Headmaster didn't say anything to change my thoughts. However, he did say that he would personally escort Claire to class. I gave her a pat on the head on the way out the door.


I got back to the apartment, finding that Yuffie and Reno were at each other's throats almost literally. I pulled them apart just before Reno could bite Yuffie's arm. "That is it!" I yelled. I didn't care that I just used poor grammar. "To your rooms! Now!"

As they sulked to their rooms, I wondered yet again, 'What am I getting myself into?'

Last edited by PhoenixNeko; 01-30-2016 at 12:42 AM..