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Chibi zig
Chibi zig is offline
Old 02-15-2016, 02:02 AM

"Neither do I..." Jill mused quietly... Either way she was sure to not let it happen again. The climb became grueling and Jill huffed up the slope, hating her boots more than ever. "Once we're out of this, I'll be sure to keep a pair of sensible shoes in the car at all times," she grumbled to herself. When they finally made it to the top, she bent over to catch her breath for a moment before straightening to take in the sight of the gate. In the dim she could barely make out an ominous looking metal fence. "Very," Jill agreed as she pulled Jack closer to the gate so she could test the door. As she reached out to touch the metal, the door swung open on it's own accord with a noisy creaking.