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Old 02-20-2016, 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by Damia Flagg View Post
Poor Star.
I hope your feet & legs are getting better.
I sort of know how you feel.
I've been sick & working a lot so I missed out on a lot of the event.
Still don't have time to post much because I have to get stuff ready for a new person to fill in on my job on my day off because the person who has been my fill in for a few years now will finally go full-time tomorrow.
The new person knows nothing about the area I work in so there will be a lot he will need to know, but he won't get proper training because he has been with the company for a while & they don't think people need more training.
So I will end up spending a big chunk of my day off trying to talk him through stuff since he is getting tossed into it pretty much blind. We just found out this afternoon that he will be filling in for me on Monday.
I won't get to give him any training tomorrow & we are closed on Sunday.
Monday is gonna be crazy for me, my brother has eye surgery late that morning.
aww 'hugs Damia' i hope your brother comes through the surgery great, and I feel bad for the new guy, here's hoping he's a quick study and other's there are willing to help him out to..and Im sorry you've been sick 'hugs' star's brother showed up today without starpuppy, i wanted to bite him but didn't. caus ei miss my puppy. he was helping me lose weight.