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Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-25-2016, 11:29 PM

Alecross could see the people around them. The group he had noticed before walking away. Probably considered themselves to high for such a thing. Honestly, it didn't phase him. If they wanted to go, he wouldn't feel hurt or anything. There was suddenly a girl in the way, his eyes turning to look at her as she....defended him? He arched a brow slightly, listening to her words. It was a bit odd to have someone stand up for him like that, let alone a girl. He half expected some kind of snide comment to come from the other man, but instead, he backed down. He brushed it off like he didn't care, but Alecross caught the word 'Cute' very clearly. He watched as he turned, walking away with his two goons following him. Alecross leaned down, slowly picking up his bag and other things.

He watched for a moment as the people began to dissipate, silent as they did. However, he sighed after a moment, taking a breath. "I suppose I should thank you..." he said to the female, "even if I had that handled..." He looked away for a moment, figuring that probably sounded a bit arrogant. He glanced back at her, "I'm sorry for disrupting your reading.." He never had intended as such, he would have been happy to be left alone to his own book as well. He gave her a light nod of thanks and acknowledgement, his eyes catching hers for a moment, before he turned. It would be better for him to not stand around there, with all the whispers and glances now. He also did not need someone coming back after the fact in order to finish things.

He headed across the yard, heading back towards the buildings. He should possibly just head back to his own room, or maybe to the library. At least there, he might get some peace. A slight part of him stirred, a bit annoyed and now on edge after the encounter. Perhaps it would have been better if he had been able to hit something, though it would not have solved much. He had an itch to do something, so it was best to turn it into something positive. That meant, he was most likely going to put the sketchpad to use. It was better than the alternatives. He thought back to the girl for a moment. She had helped him, though she had seemed a bit unsure about it all. From the other guy's reaction to, there was no doubting some kind of spark was there. Who felt what, he didn't know or care. He found himself sighing a bit, reaching a hand up to run through his hair.


Cassius had been watching the scene. So many people, each doing different things. Some watched, while others walked away. He could understand staying out of it, more people meant that more problems could arise. Such problems could jeopardize many things within one's school life. It was surprising however, to see that the one who made the first move to get between the two guys, was a female. She was nowhere near their height, but got quite the reaction anyways. He chuckled a bit, crossing his arms as he listened to her. She had some points, but to actually voice them. This girl had some guts, no doubt about that.

The man known as Eaden backed down, finally walking away. Some let out breaths of relief, others seemed upset there was not going to be any action happening. Cassius turned himself, slipping out of the scene without being really noticed. He headed towards the dorm halls, he should be heading back to get some food himself. Especially after such an eventful walk here. He noted along the way, the two men and the girl he had seen before, heading to their shoot. He didn't bother them, continuing on his way past them and inside.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-25-2016 at 11:40 PM..