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Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-28-2016, 07:01 AM

Vladamir sat in the dark of the library. Despite it being daylight out, he kept the thick black curtains closed for now. Within the room, he sat in a black chair, near the lit fireplace. The flames the only source of light, sent shadows dancing along the walls. Some of the light caught in his eyes, made them glow within the darkness. Many said his eyes were his best and worst quality. He had golden eyes, that seemed to glow at times with the changes of the light around him. Many of the vampire kind held redish eyes, or darker ones. But his, his had always been so...piercing. Some used to tease him when he was younger, comment that his eyes were more like that of a wolf's than a vampires.

He frowned, his head resting upon his fingertips. How pathetic, being compared to such fleabags. He was always inclined to show them just how much of a vampire he could be. A slight smirk tugged at his lip, fangs he otherwise kept hidden for a moment exposed to no one. There were so many rumors about vampires and other supernatural creatures going around. It was amazing how foolish and gulible some could be. Take the brat in the basement for example. He sighed, uncrossing his legs. His father had always enjoyed teasing the wolves, partially because of his mother. Since the little one was just that...little...when brought in, she was taught for the most part what others wanted her to believe.

He wouldn't put it past her to believe they were all the same. No, there were variety among vampires, just as there were among any supernatural creature species that might walk the earth. It was not like he cared really, for the most part, he allowed the advisors and such deal with that beast. It had been a hobby brought on before he was born, one he had little interest in dirtying his hands with. Although now as the head of the Ruelle family, he supposed it was in some of his interest to make an effort. He sighed, standing from the chair. He crossed to the window, before throwing open the curtains. Light flooded the room.

For a moment, it stung his eyes, but he refused to look away. The world beyond the curtains was coming into focus, in all its annoying beauty. The flames within the fireplace were useless now, little more than flickering heat in the corner. He turned away from it, walking to the door. He had met the female a few times, or rather seen her. He was not allowed to associate with her much, nor she him. She was beneath him, nothing more than a tool. Tools were supposed to be used, nothing more. Once they had outlasted their usefulness, they would be discarded. Now that his father was no longer around to deal with his little project, power over what to do with it fell to him.

The doors were opened for him, a maid standing outside. He passed through and turned down the hall, without so much as a glance in her direction. The beast in the basement had a history of failing, of testing his father's patience. His father however, had enjoyed toying with the thing, so he let her survive. Vladamir however, was not his father. His father had been a strong powerful man in many ways, but he was also weak. He made a mess of things, and now that he no longer had the opportunity to meddle, Vladamir would make certain to turn this place around. It would rise from the ashes, people would once again hear the name Ruelle and know to fear it.

He walked to the grand stairs, that led down into the main hall. A man waiting for him at the base, handed him a paper. He took it, glancing down at the writing. A frown tugged at his lips now, seemed the fleabag had been brought back after the latest failure. He tossed the paper aside, leaving the man scrounging for it. Continuing on his way, it was not long before he stood in front of the door that led down into the dungeon. The guard there bowed to him, before opening it to let him pass. Again, not a word of thanks left his lips. He stepped down, making his way down the stairs. It was disgusting down here, a place he had refrained from visiting most of the time. A place he would refrain from visiting again for a long time to come.

Vladamir Ruelle, son and heir to the Ruelle name. This was his domain, all of it was under his command and say. That included this little beast within his home's walls. He was not about to allow someone under his power, under his rule, disrespect any command given. Especially a fleabag. If anything, it only succeeded in getting under his skin. Making him annoyed, that something was out of place. It needed to be fixed, it needed to be silenced. He would deal with it, if need be, in a way his father never could. He was not interested in someone elses broken toys. If anything, they would either need to choose a new road, or he would break them for good.

That was the reason for this little visit after all. This would be the first time he and she had seen each other, since just before his father's death. He had been eighteen then, so months ago at least. Not long enough in his opinion. Even then though, he had only seen her for a few moments. They had not actually spoken to one another, so really it could have been said they had not had actual contact in far longer. He continued on, walking into the depths, walking into what many preferred to call hell. He reached the floor below, one lined with torches. It looked like something out of the time of castles and knights. Then again, the whole house did.

A mansion made to look like a castle. From the outside, it looked like a normal building. Inside however, it was far more spacious and grand. His father had redecorated a bit, but it had much of the original design still. It had been built by one of the first in his line, when this area of New York had been chosen for his family. A worlock had been chosen to help in the layout, and it had been here ever since. He walked along, ignoring the sounds from some of the rooms, the guards along the hall and more. At the end of one of the halls, he paused before a door. Sighing, he finally glanced at a nearby guard, who scrambled to open it the room of the basement beast.

Great, he was actually going to waste time with this thing. He watched as the door was opened, standing there as he looked beyond to what lied within. It was not hard to pick out the female, she was the only actual living creature beyond the door. His expression remained calm, almost mildly bored as he regarded her within. He did not speak, nor did he act right away. The other did not deserve that, he was in no desire to rush. The other could simply sit back and wait like a good fleabag, or knowing her kind, she would start up with that mouth of hers. Either way, she would be met with something she would not like as a result.