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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 03-01-2016, 05:29 PM

"Not appropriate?" Ryuu's brow rose. "I'm very familiar with them and grew up eating them throughout my youth." Shaking his head, he smirked. "Ryuu is Japanese, after all." Although he didn't look like your stereotypical Japanese male (his father was from Britain and his mother from the States who studied Japanese culture), the male was born and raised in the Asian culture. He could speak it fluently, if needed, though he often opted for English as he found very few could speak Japanese without butchering the words and sounds (he blamed anime for that).

Lev let out a light laugh. "Would make more sense culturally." At the invitation to take pictures, he did just that. He took a few shots of the food before taking some candid pictures of Ryuu stepping up beside Kokuro to help finish preparing the lunch. As expected, the raven knew exactly what he was doing, which would help Amanda actually stay on schedule.

The blonde also requested that everyone pose with Ryuu while holding up their lunches just for the fun of it. Namely he wanted to print the picture out and give it to Amanda so she could keep a picture of her crush (he obviously wouldn't tell Ryuu this secret).

Turning the camera around, Lev backed up into the group of girls (yes, he semi-forced Paige into the pictures; even if she was just a background body). "Sorry, Ryuu, I'm getting jealous of your harem of ladies and just have to join you for the oh-so-popular-yet-hated... selfie."