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Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-14-2016, 08:09 PM

Just as he had thought, the female before him spoke up. Her words reaching his ears, she spoke of taking out someone. That was right, she had attacked the men from last night. He had noticed the way she reacted to him when he had entered. Moving back, before giving him that defiant look. His eyes remained on her, though he did not speak right away. He was well aware that the reason she was probably keeping back was his appearance, as well as the silver upon her. He had been told in ways he ressembled his father, while others said he looked like his mother. Either way, it was safe to say that she knew who he was. That was fine with him, it would save the pointless need to explain such things to her. Not that he really cared to be here in the first place.

He remained silent, taking in the form before him. If she hadn't been in this position as well as a fleabag, she might have passed as pretty. Even from here though, the distinct smell of wolf reached his nose. It made him partially feel nauseated, resisting the urge to back away from her a bit to escape it. Vampires like wolves had sensitive noses. When asked, wolves might be snark in saying a Vapire had a distinct smell to them, but they were also used to their own scents. For a vampire, the strong scent of fur, of dog was disgusting. It lowered his opinion of her even further than it was. There was a possiblility that part of it was the simple natural dislike between their two kinds. It was clear she disliked him already, whether she had discovered he was a vampire yet or not. By her comment though, it was safe to say that she had.

He finally sighed, reaching a hand up to brush a few strands of hair from his eyes. That bugged him, they were out of place. He hated things out of place, even simple things like his hair. "So you're the mongrel in the basement..." his voice calm and collected, brushing off her comment as if it wasn't worth his time. In his mind, it wasn't. His eyes moved to the wrist, it was clear she was trying not to move and touch the silver as best she could. He could have gotten right to it, made her squirm if he wanted. But he had more class than that, more than his father. His patience though, was another story. He would keep composed as he could, but he didn't doubt the other would get on his nerves. Wolves had that effect on Vampires and vice versa. He cared little if he annoyed her though, once more it was not important in his eyes.

He stepped into the room, unafraid of what laid within. Being down here was disgusting, being closer to her was more so. However, he was clear on the point that a lord had to do difficult things at times, things he might not want to do. He felt a slight frown tug at the corner of his lips. "My father was to lenient with you" he said, a clear icy edge to his voice, "you'll find I'm not as kind." With that, his eyes would meet with hers. Allowing his power to surface a bit, he would reach out through their eye contact, feeling her mind. Deep within her's, unknown to her, the signals within her brain would shift. The portion that reported pain within the body would begin to be stimulated. Registering pain from within her head. He didn't need to touch her at all to make her suffer.

He had developed this pain over his life. His father having caught wind of what his son could do, had made him practice upon a range of creatures, from animals up to people. Some described this particular tactic like a beast within their head ripping to get out. Others felt like fire, or like they were begin hit repeatedly within the head. Some went so far as to actually hit themselves and cause damage to get it to stop. He was keeping it on a low enough setting, so she would still be able to register things around her. On a scale of his power, this was a relatively low one or two on what he could do. Perhaps to a wolf, it would be more like having silver within her head, he cared little really with how she might describe it. All he cared, was that she was feeling pain.