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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-15-2016, 02:51 AM

She listened while he answered her question. Nanami didn’t think it was cliché that he was thinking of becoming a pediatrician. In her opinion it was admirable. Children needed more care than adults at times. “That isn’t cliché at all. It’s quite admirable really. Children deserve special care. They are precious.” She gave a light laugh before smiling. “The others are good choice as well and both very important.”

Their trip was short, which was nice since they both were probably on time schedules. Cassius seemed nice and the feeling he gave off was calm. She was thankful for that. By now her nerves had calmed. “It’s nice,” Nanami commented while entering the room. Looking around she noted there were some books spread out on the desk other than that things were tidy. Which she expected since he told her he was a pre-med student.

Taking in her surrounding she took a seat in a chair placing her bag on the floor beside her and the book she was carrying in her lap. “Compared to your major mine seems rather useless or silly.” Another musical laugh came from her. Her gaze fell momentarily. “I’m actually a double major, majoring in Ancient Studies along with Folklore and Mythology.” After sharing her fields of study she moved her arm that covered the title of the book which was Celtic Mythology by John Arnott MacCulloch.