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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-17-2016, 02:19 AM

Tage's face twitched ever so slightly at the other man's tease. Boy? Despite his face, he was nothing of the sort. And yet, he got the feeling the other wolf was older. From the start, Tage knew from his scent that he was far more than just wolf. Not bothering to ask, he took a seat at the table, crossing his legs with a sort of prim, but commanding grace. It felt so natural to fall into those kinds of movements. He never would have become alpha otherwise, even if it seemed contrary to parts of his nature. Didn't everyone have contradictions though?

After regarding the other man for a second, Tage spoke. "I speak for the northeastern branch of the Appalachian pack. We are aware you've started something of a pack here on the island, on the edge of our territory. Many are unhappy," he stated. Never once did his blue eyes leave the other man's face. This one held an air of dominance. If Tage looked away, he would submit. On his pride as a wolf, he could not do that. The one here who was alpha was he.

"However, there is an easy way to cool this unease. Join us." He flicked the faintest smile, a tease, or a taunt. "Whoever you've called around you doesn't count as a pack. You are wolf and wolf needs pack."