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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 04:43 PM

Josiah twisted slightly, as best he could on the half foot ledge he stood on. No doubt, this other boy was like him in some way. It was funny, but he never met someone he could say that about and it made him connect far quicker and deeper than he wanted. He couldn't leave this other guy alone. "You came to jump," he stated, clear as day. No need to beat around the bush since they both knew it already. "So did I."

For a second, that was all he said. His hands still clenched tightly into the rail. Half a minute later, he wilted. Shoulders slumped, leaving the longer strands of his hair half shielding his face as his hazel eyes dropped to his shoes. Who was he kidding? He was always weak. He'd never let go even if he came this far already. Why did he even think he could try? He almost choked on the dark feeling that swept over him, but a second later, it passed, replaced by resignation. "You can't do it can you?" he asked in the faintest whisper. The faint breeze almost masked his words, but the moment felt too still for that.

Too similar. They were too similar. Why couldn't Josiah just ignore him?