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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 04-26-2016, 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by Vosa View Post
Username: Vosa

Reference: My Avatar? I can upload if you want I guess^^

Doll Size: Small

Anything Extra: a soft smile, maybe some sparklies

Payment: 200 gold (more if you want^^)

Hi your pixels are really awesome and so is your art. I don't have that much gold since I'm a newb, but I'll give you all my gold for a little pixel me to put in my signature^^ Also, since I saw it on this page... sage is a nice green-grey color to me, cause that's what it turns out when you dry it and put in your food. It's pretty strong fresh, so a little goes a long way, especially with olive oil.

Aww you are just the sweetest Thank you. Also I love to pixel sparkles. If you didn't notice in one of the samples haha. So I can do it. Thank you so much for ordering.

No 200 is perfect actually. Small dolls are pretty cheap.

I've never had sage before in food I don't think.
Though there is always a character names Sage with Ginger hair and I just think Sage reminds me of a red/orange color. Something Spicy XD

Haha Yeah. I hoard References and tutorials all over the place.
Now if I could just get the energy to draw.
My messed up schedule always makes me too tired to draw.
so I am going to start fixing it..after thursday so I am not groggy in class.