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Inspiration is offline
Old 04-30-2016, 03:24 AM

January prompt 19: in my desk
technically i don't have a desk at the moment. even though my computer. well.. my brothers computer is sitting on one. It has a keyboard tray but no drawers. and it doesn't have a chair at it. I'm sitting on my bed to use the computer. BUT
there is a filing cabinet underneath the table which is technically in the table. and inside its notes on story ideas i've had. and some dungeons and dragons campaign ideas.

And sitting on top of the filing cabinet are Kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remix discs for the PS3 . YEAH HD where you can actually see the HD. gasp....
and Little Big Planet. number 1 with the bonus content. I need to get the 2nd and 3rd games still.. i do rather adore the series.

January Prompt 20: I'm Up!

why. yes i am. xD and its only a little after midnight. hubby accidentally woke me up in his sleep. so i got a bit of a nap in at least. So i'm posting a little on inspiration to try to earn some more donate to others gold. its about time I remembered I need to use her >.>