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2122-6101-0161 - N3DS
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hilarbees is offline
Old 05-06-2016, 01:09 PM


Chat and ask any questions you like. I'm actually starting to feel pretty yucky today, but goal is to at least finish Kat and Ravioli's by tonight.
Still working on Kat Dakuu's because my brain is being super perfectionisty DX >A<

1. Kat Dakuu
2. raviolitheif
3. blueblackrose
4. Pirate Booty
5. SuperZombiePotatoe

Slots are filled?? No worries! As soon as I finish a picture, I will add in another request! I just ask that requests halt until a slot opens up, alright! :3

It works rather simply, the first five people to request get the slots! Then, if you would like one, please wait patiently for a slot to open.

Last edited by hilarbees; 05-07-2016 at 01:56 PM..